Chapter 6

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In the Imperial Capital lowest place, Leone and Y/n were now seen walking in the street as a couple of merchants noticed the duo.

Merchant:" Good day, Leone." she said with a bright smile on her face.

Merchant 2:" Looking hot today, too!! Let's go out for drinks tonight!" he said with a cheerful smile.

Child:" Leone, come play with us!!" he said with a joyful tone.

Y/n noticed how much the people of the lowest rank of the Imperial Capital seemed to like Leone a lot.

Y/n:" The slums aren't like the other places. This place is alive." he said.

Leone:" It's that die-hard spirit. When you have to struggle your whole life, you learn to be tough." she said while waving at the group of merchants.

Y/n:" Either way, you're pretty popular." he said surprised that so far there wasn't problems.

Leone:" I grew up here, so this is my hometown. I've also got a reputation for being a great masseuse." she said before a trio start running towards them.

Bartender:" THERE SHE IS!!!!!! PAY ME YOUR TAB!!!!" he yelled in anger.

Business man:" SETTLE YOUR GAMBLING DEBTS!!!!!" he yelled in anger.

Business man 2:" GIVE ME BACK THE BERRIES YOU SWINDLED OUT OF MY BROTHER!!!!" he yelled in pure anger as Leone activated her Zoan powers and proceeded to jump far away fom there.

Leone:" INTERESTING PLACE, RIGHT?!? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" she yelled with joy.

Y/n was running away.

Y/n:" How much do you owe these people, in total?!?" he yelled to Leone.









In Royal Hall of the Imperial Palace, a soldier was seen bowing infront of the Emperor and Prime Minister.

Soldier:" Reporting, sir. Vice-Admiral Nakakido and Vice-Admiral Hemi have both deserted us and joined sides with the Revolutionary Army." he said.

Councilman:" Vice-AdmiralNakakido was an expert at war." he said feeling worried of the situation.

Councilman 2:" The Revolutionary Army is amassing a frightening strength." he said feeling worried aswell.

Councilman 3:" If we don't act fast, the Empire-" he was then interrupted by the Emperor.

Makoto:" ORDER!!!!!!! They're far down South from us and we can deal with them any time. Let the rebels gather. That'll make it easier to wipe them out in one go. That should do right, Prime Minister?" he asked innocently to the Prime Minister.

Honest:" Heheheh, very good your majesty. You always keep them calm. Rather than some far off Revolutionary Army..... We have a bigger problem at hand. The Captain of the Guard is dead. My distant relative Iokal got killed!!!! The Executioner was also defeated by NightRaid and his Devil Fruit is getting searched in the world at the moment. THEY'RE GETTING AWAY WITH EVERYTHING, IT'S SO UPSETTING, I'VE PUT ON WEIGHT!!!!!!" he yelled with tears while chewing a large piece of fresh meat.

Makoto:" What about that one tribe? The experts sniffing out their hideout?" he asked.

Honest:" I lost contact with them, I think they were wiped out. Even a mild tempered man like me can't hold back his anger over this!! Contact the current Fleet Admiral Esdeath who subjugated the North Blue and bring her to the Capital." he said in a serious tone.

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