Chapter 44

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Syura and Wave were now seen glaring at each other as Syura spoke up.

Syura:" You defied me.... and interrupted my fun..... You won't get away with it. Boiled Alive. Cut to Bits. Burned,  Shredded and then buried. Which way should you die? Or maybe I'll give you the full course?" he asked with a death glare towards the Vice-Admiral.

 Which way should you die? Or maybe I'll give you the full course?" he asked with a death glare towards the Vice-Admiral

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Wave:" That's how you've killed countless innocent people up till now...... Wild Hunt..... YOU WON'T BE FORGIVEN........ YOU CAN'T BE!!!" he said as he pulled out his sword.

Kurome:" No! Just leave it!!" she said as she wanted to prevent Wave from fighting Syura, until Admiral Budo made his way into the scene with an angered look on his face.

Budo:" I sense bloodlust in the air. You think you can act up..... In my Palace and get away with it? Such behavior is unacceptable. Use of your abilities will be met with the Death Penalty and there's no use arguing about it. The sentence will be carried out by my very own being." he warned the both of them as his Haki was felt in the air making both Wave and Syura gulp.

Wave:( This guy's Admiral Budo.....) he thought in his head in shock.

Syura:( Tch....... Shut up, Old Man. You want to get reasigned to Shambala?............ Wait. If I'm going to kill Esdeath's minions..... I'd better think about the potential fallout.) he thought in his head as he then smirked.

Syura:" Now, Now Admiral Budo. This boy and I have gone too far to turn back now. This is just an idea, but..... Why don't we settle our fight somewhere where we won't make a mess? No hard feelings no matter who wins! They settle conflicts this way in the army, don't they?" he asked to Budo with a smirk.

Wave gritted his teeth as Budo then turned to Wave.

Budo:" What do you have to say about it?" he asked to Wave.

Wave:( If I could hunt this guy without repercusions.......... THAT'S JUST WHAT I WANT!!!!) he thought in his head.

Wave:" Fine, Bare-handed it is." he said as he wanted to engage in a fight without usage of Teigu or Devil Fruit.

Budo:" Then I'll preside over the match. Come with me to the courtyard!" he ordered the both of them.

Syura:( That idiot!! I'm already free of consequences, so I can go wild on this fool all the way I want!!!!) he thought in his head as a sadistic smile appeared on his face.

Wave was starting to walk away, until Kurome grabbed his by his left hand.

Kurome:" Wave, he is-" she was then interrupted by Wave.

Wave:"........ I know. He's a strong opponent. But I'll be okay." he said with a calm smile on his face.





"Just you watch. This time, I'll show you my strength!!!!!!"

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