Chapter 17

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Y/n and Wave were now seen starring at each other as Wave was looking at Y/n fighting stance.

Wave:( He's strong. As a veteran, my moves are more polished, but I can't go easy on him.) he thought in his head.

Y/n then used his flames to leapt into the air and fly off.

Wave:" Huh?!?!" he was in shock as Y/n suddenly flew away.

Y/n:( I can't let Esdeath trail me! I've got to make my getaway!) he thought in his head as Wave leapt into the air and jumped on it causing him to move towards Y/n and go for a kick.

Y/n Observation Haki however anticipated Wave's attack as Y/n turned and blasted Wave with a flaming burst attack.

Wave landed on the ground on his feet as smoke was coming from his armor.

Y/n then flew right back down and then sighed.

Y/n:( Nevermind, I should deal with him before going back to the others.....) he thought in his head as he decided to engage into a fight against Wave.

Wave leapt towards Y/n as Y/n then jumped out the way causing a massive crater to happened because of Wave attempt to land a hammer kick on young man.

Y/n:" Sorry, Wave. You're a cool guy!! But, I'm not going back there!!!!" he yelled at Wave.

Wave:" Lady Esdeath will kill me, if she finds out you're gone!!!!" he yelled in a begging tone for Y/n to go back.

Wave then went to punch Y/n on his chest however his punch phased through Y/n's chest as a burst of flames burn his right hand.

Wave jumped back and screamed in pain.

Wave:" AAAARGH!!!!!!" he yelled.

Y/n chest reformed in an instant.

Y/n:" Didn't they tell you to never hit a Logia user if you don't have Haki?" he asked with a smirk.

Wave started rolling on the floor as finally it manage to stop burning.

Wave then rose right back up and started panting.

Wave:" Darn it!! How can you be a Night Raid member?!? They commit assassinations at random...... They are Villains eating away at the Capital's security and peace........ They are affiliated with the rebel army...... I cann't allow their kind to exist!" he yelled angrily at Y/n.

Y/n:" Sure, we kill people........ but they're scumbags!!!!" he yelled angrily as flames started appearing on his body.

Wave took his combat stance immidiatly.

Wave:( He's going to come at me!!!) he thought in his head as Y/n then flashed step and appear right behind Wave.

Wave turned as Y/n coated his left leg in Armament Haki and his flames.

Wave immidiatly put his guard up, but Y/n's kick bypassed through his armor managed to damage Wave as a burst of large flames happened in the forest as a huge shockwave sent trees flying off.

Wave got sent flying as his armor was now full of burn marks, his helmet shattered revealing his beaten face with pupiless eyes.

Wave:( What an impact!!!! He kicked me so hard he damaged through my armor..... Oh, no hes gone now....... I'm going to go home empty handed!!!) he thought in his head as he flew in the sky leaving holes through clouds.





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