Chapter 37

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Akame was now seen waking up from her sleep as she yawned and looked outside the window.

Akame:" It's morning...... I'm hungry." she said before noticing Mine sleeping next her with a calm smile on her face.

" she said before noticing Mine sleeping next her with a calm smile on her face

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Akame:" Looks like she's having a nice dream." she said with a peaceful smile.






Hours later, Y/n, Lubbock, Jinbe and Akame were seen outside of their base in the Kingdom of Xylem.

Y/n:" Well, we're off." he said with a cheerful smile.

Jinbe:" Steer clear of the Cathedral. Word has it they've tightened their security around it." he warned both Y/n and Lubbock.

Lubbock:" Yeah, Yeah. Without a plan, we can't get near it." he said with a bored tone as Akame went to give Y/n a packed lunch.

Akame:" I packed up a lunch." she said to Y/n.

Y/n:" Ooh, thanks Akame." he said with a bright smile.

Jinbe:" She ate half of it though." he said causing Lubbock and Y/n to sweatdrop.

Akame:".............. I-I'm sorry..... I only meant to have a taste to see if it was the right aroma, but it was so good." she said as she bowed down in shame.

Lubbock*whisper*:" We're going to pick some on the way?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n*whisper*:" Yup." he said as they were planning to pick more food on their way.

Then Mine came out quickly out of the building.

Mine:" Oh! What's this Y/n? You're going out?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Uh, Uh. I'll go check out town." he said.

Lubbock:" Do some spying, maybe take out a few enemies if we get the chance. Until they're digging out that tunnel, it's about as much as we can do." he said as he rubbed the back of his hair.

Mine was quite for a while before she flash stepped and pushed Lubbock out of the way.

Mine:" All right. Then I'll go with Y/n. Lubbock, I'm taking over for you." she said as Lubbock jawdropped.

Lubbock:" WHAT?!?!?" he asked angrily.

Akame:" Don't push yourself. I know it's been a month but your wounds haven't fully healed." she told to Mine.

Mine:" I've been focused on getting better, so it won't be a problem! Besides we can't count of Lubbock. Swapping me in will make for a much more reliable recon team." she said with a smile of pride.

Lubbock:" BOOOOOOOO!!!!!! FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I'VE DEFEATED TWO OF THE FOUR RAKSHASAS, WITHOUT ARMAMENT HAKI!!!!!!" he said before getting axed kicked by Mine on the head leaving a huge bump.

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