Chapter 73 [ The End]

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Sabo had now opened back his eyes after receiving the fatal blow from Yasaka as all of the Deputy Commanders were sitting around him.

Sabo slowly raised his body as Koala went to help him get up immidiately.

Sabo then started panting.

Sabo:" What's going on?" he asked as he realized that the survivors Rebel Soldiers were also there.

Sabo then wondered what was going on as his eyes lift up to see Y/n as his eyes widen in shock and joy to see that his brother was alive.

Sabo:" Heh, did you get a makeover when I was taking my nap?" he asked referring to Y/n's new appearence after coming back to the lands of the living by drinking the Cup of Reincarnation.

Y/n looked at Sabo with a stern look on his face before a smile escaped his lips.

Y/n then floated down and approached Sabo.

Sabo smiled as Y/n smiled back at him before his expression started turning a little sad which made Sabo confused by this.

Y/n:" Sabo, there is something I want to tell you..." he said as Sabo tilted his head in confusion however before Y/n could've said what he wanted to say a powerful blizzard sorrounded the area.

Y/n raised an eyebrow as footsteps started approaching towards the Rebels direction.

Esdeath:" You're truly are amazing Portgas D. Y/n.......... There's no other man that I'll wish to have that isn't you........After the smoke clears from all this destruction.....Perhaps I'll travel to another the search of another war..... Or maybe I'll even start one myself....." she said as she still wanted to challenge Y/n, despite the fact that she literally admitted that she loved him and admired his strength however that wouldn't have stopped her from still trying to end him.

All of the sudden red clouds came down from the sky and grabbed all of the Deputy Commanders, soldiers and Sabo and lead them away from the battlefield.

Sabo:" A-Ah, no!!! Wait!!! Y/n!!!!" he yelled as he tried to reach for his brother, however this was Y/n himself leading them away so that more casualties wouldn't have happened.

Esdeath:" How, heroic of yours....... Saving those ants from my wrath.......Do you know why I'm the Fleet Admiral, my love?........................ Because I'm the strongest of our Generation........" she said considering herself above most of the current Era.

Y/n was simply starring at her with a stern look on his face as Esdeath had a frown on her face realzing that.......................... Y/n wasn't fearing her like he once did.

Esdeath:( Since when........... did you look tall?) she thought in her head as she imagined herself climbing the peak of a mountain before looking up to see Y/n being even bigger than a mountain, so big he couldn't fit in the world itself.

Esdeath:( He's not flinching........... I always was the one who stood tall........ then why.... why now..... like before Yasaka's attack...... you're not sweating, gulping, trembling?) she thought in her head before looking at Y/n's spear as she started remembering her confrontation with the Commander of the North Blue, Numa Seika.

Esdeath then looked at Y/n's bracelets as she remembered the confrontation she had with Leone and Najenda.

Each piece of clothing or equipment that Y/n was currently wielding was reminding her of the people she had tormented and brutalized.

It was almost as if they all gathered up together to get their revenge on her in the shape of one person............. Y/n.

Esdeath:" All of you..... are beaming with confidence..... I can't wait to see that face of yours twist in despair........." she said with a smirk of confidence as the blizzard was becoming more and more deranged and causing climate changes across the world.

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