⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Meiyo POV
I am rudely roused from my sleep when loud noises come from outside, some idiots screaming around. A dull pain runs through my skull as I force myself to open my eyes against my will. However, the glare of the morning light forces me to close them again immediately. Slowly, I turn onto my back and continue to be accompanied by an unbearable stinging sensation on my head. Stressed, I put my arm over my eyes, as if that might alleviate the pulsating headache. At the same time, my stomach cramps and nausea spreads.
I try hard to breathe as another pain runs through my body, triggered by a seemingly simple movement. I clutch my abdomen and curse this situation, this timing - why now of all times? As if that weren't enough, I notice an unpleasant dampness that worries me. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to sit up and look. My hand trembles as I hesitantly lift the covers and my gaze falls on a bloody stain on the bed sheet.
My eyes widen in horror and I drop the blanket again with a gulp as my heart pounds wildly in my chest. My gaze quickly wanders to Mikey, who is thankfully sleeping peacefully.
With all my might, I try to control my panic and stand up as quietly and carefully as I can. With shaking hands, I try to hide the bloody stain with the blanket, hoping Mikey won't notice it when he wakes up. I pause as I realize I'm not wearing any panties. Shocked, I look down at myself, pulling my top down to cover myself. I slap myself in thought and mutter to myself, "God, Mei, how drunk were you that you thought removing your panties would stop the blood?"
I quickly rummage for my pants and fresh clothes from my suitcase and notice a warm feeling running down my thigh. Even more frantic and with a flushed head, I grab everything I need and quickly rush to the shower stalls after putting on my pants. It's not bad enough that I get my period during camp, but now it's even worse that I was obviously so drunk that I didn't even notice and bled all over the bed.
My headache and nausea suddenly become secondary as I finally stand under the shower. Without really looking - out of shame in front of myself - I wash away the leaking blood. However, this unbearable menstrual pain once again runs through me and, breathing heavily, I lean against the cold tiles, burying my face in my hands. The pain is not the problem, the more important thing is: How the hell am I supposed to hide the bloody bed sheet? I can literally see Mikey, with his stupid grin, teasing me about it!
The more desperately I search for a solution, the worse my headache becomes.
"God I feel sick," I curse softly. Now I start to wash my body thoroughly, especially my face. I haven't looked in the mirror, but I'm pretty sure I haven't removed the makeup in my condition. I look skeptically at the bruises I notice popping up all over my body as I wash.
"What the hell did I do? Did I get in a fight or something?", I ask myself quietly. I try to remember anything, but all that comes to mind is the last encounter with Kira and her drinking game. After that, everything was... gone. Strained, I try to think about it, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing. Not a picture, not a word, not a sound - just nothing. I tussle my hair and groan in annoyance as the headache becomes more and more unbearable.
After I finish showering, I pull out a tampon and reluctantly insert it, how I hate that feeling! I get dressed after drying off and take a cursory glance in the mirror to check if my damn makeup is gone. I quickly brush my teeth and the nasty taste from my tongue and then head back.
When I reach the door, I pause for a moment and take a deep breath, preparing myself internally for the unpleasantness before reluctantly walking in. Mikey, already awake, is in the process of pulling a top over his head, as he does so I fleetingly notice red patches that look like scratches on his back. Has he been in a fight, too? By now I've gotten used to him sleeping topless and facing me half naked every day. It made me uncomfortable at first, but what the heck, I couldn't help it anyway. So I've gotten pretty used to the sight, although I still keep staring unintentionally, which I think he does on purpose.
When he notices me, he turns to face me, his eyes meeting mine, and I quickly turn away, afraid of what might come. My heartbeat speeds up and nervousness spreads through my stomach. I force myself to focus on putting my things in the suitcase, hoping it will distract me.
"Mei..." he begins and I flinch, involuntarily holding my breath before he continues, "... the blood on the sheet..." he pauses. Suddenly everything spins in my head and I panic. No, no, no, I think desperately. He saw the stain! My stomach clenches painfully and a heavy lump forms in my throat.
"Y...yes?", I stammer, not daring to turn around and look at him. My hands begin to shake and I chew nervously on my bottom lip.
"We need to talk about this..." he says. I hold my head, feeling the pressure growing in my skull and wishing I could bang my head against the nearest wall.
"No!", I shout surprisingly loud and reflexively put a hand in front of my mouth, startled that it's louder than I expected.
"Yes we must," he doesn't let up and my face gets redder and redder. I stand up and finally dare to turn around. Holding my hands in front of my face to hide my blush, I look at him through the slits between my fingers.
"No! Please don't make this more awkward than it already is," I plead, feeling the tears welling up.
"We need to talk about what happened, though," he continues adamantly.
"I don't want to, I'm embarrassed, damn it!", I yell in near panic, my voice strained with frustration and fear.
"It doesn't matter how embarrassing it is, we need to talk about it Mei," he repeats. I walk up to him, press my trembling hands over his mouth to finally get him to shut up and plead, "No really don't, please don't make this worse for me than it already is, I beg you," looking at him desperately. Why won't he fucking let it go? It's horrible enough as it is! He takes my hands in his and removes them from his mouth without taking his eyes off my face.
"Are you sure?" he asks, his voice sounding uncertain and quiet. I nod my head vigorously, which I immediately regret as a dizziness overcomes me.
"Yes for sure!!! So don't talk about it anymore!", I say quickly, wishing I could sink into the ground. My whole body shakes with tension, and my heart beats wildly against my chest.
"You're not angry?" he asks cautiously. I nod and reply, "Why would I be angry?" My voice sounds confused and I shake my head violently as I continue, "I'm not angry. Not one bit, so please stop talking. Bitttteeee," I continue to plead with him.
"So... everything is good between us?" he asks unsure and I nod again, giving him a forced smile.
"Yes. But only if you stop bringing it up! Then everything is great between us, everything is perfect! Really! ", I desperately assure him, just hoping he'll finally shut up. But apparently he's still not satisfied, because he keeps talking, "But that-..." He starts, but I interrupt him again by pressing my hands on his mouth again and shaking my head violently.
"No, please don't! It just happened and it can't be helped, so please Mikey I'm begging you. Stop it, please, it's all right!", I continue to plead. Now I can't hold back my tears that I'm frantically trying to hold back.
He looks at me and finally nods as he mumbles into my fingers, "Okay."
He finally falls silent, and I can't stop crying. I'm so incredibly embarrassed and he's only making it worse! I turn him around and push him outside. "Wait outside, I need to clean this up," I say in a shaky voice.
"Wait, let me get my stuff, then I'll go take a shower while I do it," he says quickly and comes back inside to look in his bag for his stuff, but then disappears again.
When he is finally outside, I close the door and lean against it, exhausted. My legs automatically carry me toward the bed, onto which I drop with a long-drawn-out sigh. After a moment of silence, I reach for the covers and pull them aside, looking at the red stain on the white sheet. I want to cry.
"Why now?", I whisper desperately, to myself. "Couldn't you have waited another day?" I run my fingers over the fabric, lost in thought, unable to take my eyes off it. It's so degrading, so embarrassing.
"I knew my period would come during camp, but why would you come when I'm drunk and leave me with such an embarrassing situation?", I ask, directing the stain, and sigh out in annoyance. I take several deep breaths, trying to suppress the rising frustration and shame.
I shake my head and mumble softly to myself, "Scrubbing alone won't make it go away. Maybe there's replacement bedding?" I start looking through the closets. And thank goodness there actually is, there are even towels and regular sheets. I reach for the bedding and begin to set it aside to pull off the sheet at my leisure. Inevitably, my eyes fall on the stain. Every time I look at it, it only makes me more uncomfortable.
"So fucking embarrassing man," I curse as I angrily throw the sheet on the floor. My cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"And my head is buzzing, man. I'll never drink alcohol again," I mutter as I stretch the new sheet over the mattress. I just stuff the old sheet into an empty closet.⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

ENG - My best friend's sister ᵐᶦᵏᵉʸ ˣ ᵒᶜ
Fantasy'Jo, I'm Mikey,' the boy introduced himself. That was my first encounter with Mikey. - Meiyo 'If he really thinks I'm that bad for them, then I guess I'll have to confirm that. - Mikey 'If you make her cry just once, I'll kill you.' - Draken ⊱ ─────...