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We spend a while with Emma, who constantly bombards us with questions that we have to answer for better or worse. Emma has promised not to tell my brother, but I'm not entirely sure.
I have to reassure her several times that I will go home and not disappear again without a trace, as my brother is almost sick with worry.

When Emma finally says goodbye to us, Mikey and I wave after her. I plan to go home tonight, or maybe tomorrow, or even later... After all, I only promised Emma I'd go home again, but I never said exactly when. Mikey eventually puts an arm around me and smiles at me.
"Let's go to the doctor then, shall we?" he says with a wink and a soft smile on his lips. "After all, I don't feel like becoming a father yet. But I don't want to miss out on sleeping with you either and we don't have any plans anyway," he adds with a mischievous grin. My face immediately turns red and I pull away from his grip.
"Idiot! Don't just say that!" I scold him in shame and just start walking.
"Babe, we have to go the other way, according to the address on the map," he calls after me. As I turn around, I see him waving the business card I'd received from Emma. Confused as to when he took it, I walk back towards him.
"Stop smirking like that," I continue to grumble, taking the card from him before walking in the other direction.


"My girlfriend would like to start taking the pill," Mikey chats away cheerfully, while the receptionist looks at us curiously. His smile is positively beaming as he talks about the subject. Embarrassed, I hide my face in my hands as I simply hand the lady my medical card.
"Fill this out and take a seat, you'll be called. In about 3 hours," the woman says, a little annoyed, and hands me a form with the usual medical questions on it.

We sit down somewhere on the floor in the waiting room as all the seats are taken because it's completely overcrowded. I start filling in the form while Mikey puts his head on my shoulder and watches me fill in the fields.
"13.08..." Mikey mumbles quietly next to me. "It's your birthday soon?" he asks me in surprise.
I nod and reply: "Yes, but it's nothing special. It's just a normal day, like any other." After filling out the form, I get up to hand it back to the receptionist and then sit back down on the floor next to Mikey.

Time passes agonizingly slowly. Some mothers are here with their children, some are sleeping and others are screaming. However, the children's screams quickly turn into laughter, because suddenly Mikey starts to engage with the children. He plays with the toys with the children and pulls faces with the little ones. I'm amazed at how good he is with children and that they even seem to like him. I have to smile when I see this and watch him in love.

About an hour goes by. In the meantime, I pick up my cell phone and reject every call from my brother, as he still keeps calling me.
Mikey plays with the children until they get tired and settle down quietly in their seats. Then he puts his head on my shoulder again, as if he's tired of playing himself. I would also like to close my eyes and sleep, as I didn't get much sleep last night, just under 4 hours when Emma called and we met up with her. I was expecting it to be awkward sitting with Mikey at the gynecologist. I thought the other women in the waiting room would look at us strangely, but that wasn't the case, which makes me feel really relieved.

At some point, a new person enters the waiting room and stops right in front of us. My gaze automatically lifts when this person stands in front of us and I look at her.
"Mikey?" this woman asks and kneels down in front of us, completely ignoring me. Mikey lifts his head, looks at her questioningly and seems to think before answering: "Do I know you?"
The woman gets a little snippy and shakes her head. "Typical that you've forgotten me. We've only been shagging for a few weeks," she says.
"Oh, is that so? I don't remember," Mikey says, bored, and leans his head on my shoulder again. A pang runs through my heart when I hear that. I realize he's had others before me, but hearing it directly is something else.
"But Mikey... you liked the way I sucked your cock so much, you liked my piercing so much," she says suddenly, sticking her tongue out briefly to show the piercing on it. "Do you have one too? If not, get one, it'll drive him crazy when you give him a blow job," she adds, this time directed at me and grinning. I feel a blush rise to my face and once again hide my face behind my hands. This is information I really don't want to hear. I'm not interested in what he's done with other women or what they've done to him.
"And this is, it seems, your new one? A shyer one this time, I suppose?" the woman asks, now turning directly to Mikey as she looks at me appraisingly.
"You're annoying, get lost. Besides, you can't have made much of an impression if I can't remember you," Mikey mumbles tiredly and closes his eyes, not letting the woman bother him, no matter what she says.
The woman sighs and stands up again, but she looks at me again. "Listen little girl, you better get away from him quick before he hurts you. He's good for sex, but if it goes beyond that, you should break up," she says.

Mikey rises abruptly, steps closer to her and stares at her with a furious look. "I told you to get lost," he growls angrily. The woman disappears with a "Tzz" and sits down in one of the empty seats in the waiting area.
Mikey then sits down next to me and leans against me again. I, on the other hand, am inwardly agitated. What are the chances of bumping into one of Mikey's ex-girlfriends in a city as huge as Tokyo? And one who is so blunt about what she did with him.
From this point on, there is silence between the two of us. Instead of talking, Mikey dozes off, and I give my cell phone my full attention again to distract myself from what has just happened.
I go into the chat and read through the messages I've received since yesterday. My brother has sent countless messages begging me to answer my phone and come home. Emma has done the same. But I ignore all that and focus on chatting with my best friend instead.
"We need to talk, write to me when you have time," I read the message in my mind. I type a reply and we exchange a few messages until we agree to meet up for the afternoon.

Time suddenly passes incredibly quickly and it's already my turn. Mikey is waiting outside because I don't want him to make another embarrassing comment.
I explain to the doctor what I want and answer her questions, even though some of them make me uncomfortable. However, she doesn't seem like she's asking me these questions because she enjoys it. She tells me about the pros and cons of the pill and how I should use it correctly. This is followed by an examination to rule out pregnancy, as we have had unprotected sex. Fortunately, everything is fine and the doctor reprimands me for being irresponsible. I apologize several times and thank her just as often.
After we've finished, I leave the room with a prescription in my hand and pick up my boyfriend from the waiting room.
"So?" he asks eagerly and takes the note from my hand to look at it. I take the note from him again. "You don't understand what it says anyway," I mutter and roughly explain to him what the doctor has told me.

Shortly afterwards, I leave the pharmacy with the pills in my hand, which I will probably be taking for a long time.

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ENG - My best friend's sister ᵐᶦᵏᵉʸ ˣ ᵒᶜWhere stories live. Discover now