S3: Betrothed

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Open to the exterior of Titans Tower during the day. Zoom in slowly, then cut to Beast Boy walking cheerfully down the hall. He stops short when Starfire floats past, very near the camera. Pull back; he stands near the open door of her room, and she is carrying two large boxes away, one on each shoulder. A question mark pops up by his head and floats away.

Beast Boy: Huh?

The four remaining Titans instantly appear next to him. Utterly oblivious to their presence, Starfire slips back into her room and hauls out a huge pile of spare outfits. On top of the lot is the giant moth larva that got loose in the kitchen during "X." She returns, passing o.c. Pan back and forth across the group during the next lines.

Cyborg: Uh, Starfire?

Starfire: Hmm?

Beast Boy: Going somewhere?

Starfire: I am leaving for Tamaran.

Mason: That's nice?

Raven: And you're taking all your stuff because...?

She stops packing and gives the foursome a tender, wistful smile.

Starfire: I am not ever coming back.

Mason, Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Raven: WHAT?!

Robin: Starfire, what's wrong?

Starfire: Nothing is wrong. I am...getting married.

Mason, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Raven: WHAT?!

The shock of this announcement sends Robin sliding to the floor while letting out a scream of sheer horror and causing his eyes to blanch out, the other threes' eyes tracking him. Snap to black.


Open to an area of outer space. Tilt down to the T-Sub in flight, as it traveled during the gang's search for Starfire in "Transformation." By the end of the episode, we will find that it has been reclassified as the T-Ship.

Robin: You're getting married?

Long shot: panels appear, showing his face and Starfire's.

Starfire: Indeed. And I cannot wait to see Tamaran. I have been having a bit of the sick-home feeling lately and am eager to introduce my home planet to you, my friends.

As she continues, a new shot slides into view showing a plate of glorg; the gelatinous, worm-embedded dish Terra wolfed down so eagerly when the Titans first met her.

Starfire: First, you must ingest the fresh-squeezed glorg.

Mason: Excuse me?

Another picture slides in: large, quivering, eggplant-like globules.

Starfire: Or perhaps sputflinks.

Mason: Pardon?

New shot slides in: two creatures side by side. One is a fat dinosaur-like thing yellow with red spots, whose head is that of an old motorcycle daredevil. The other is brown, furry, with a squarish head whose sole feature is a large mouth. The chest has two pairs of eyes, small above large, and there are two very short arms. Between the pair is a tiny caricature of Starfire, marked "Me," to indicate the scale of these beasts; an arrow points to this, indicating the scale factor at work.

Starfire: And wait until you see the portkins; they are as big as a flornop!

Long shot of the T-Ship; now a panel pops up to put Beast Boy in the foreground with Starfire, while Robin has backed off.

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