Movie: Trouble In Tokyo

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Darkness... darkness was all that was seen. Slowly it fades to a young boy hiding in the closet as the sounds of fighting were heard outside, afraid of what was happening he held onto a lie of dogtags around his neck tightly. Glass shattered and stuff thrown was heard until the sound of someone stabbed stopped it all, the boy looked down seeing a pool of blood slowly flow under the closet.

The boy gasped but covered his mouth soon as he saw a shadow walking towards him. The closet door slowly opened as a shadowy female stood over him holding a bloodied sword in hand, her other hand slowly stretched out to the boy who was only watched in fear as it all fades to black.

We now fade into a Jump City street jam, packed with speeding, honking cars during rush hour. The camera, set at ground level and pointing back the way they came, is buffeted this way and that by the wake of their passage. A couple of cars slip briefly out of their lanes and ride the white line to get ahead, just barely avoiding collisions with other drivers. After they have gone, a big rig tries the same maneuver, but stops short when its radiator grille fills the screen. Tilt up to its irate driver, who addresses himself to something o.c. ahead of him; his voice is slightly muffled through the windshield.

Trucker: What are you, crazy?

Pull back. We can now see that he has slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a figure standing smack in the middle of the pavement, its back to the camera. Cars flash by on either side without so much as a flicker of headlights. The figure is clad in a two-tone outfit whose colors are split down the middle.

Electric blue glove and boot on the left side, shocking pink on the right, and the head, upper back, and belt are covered in armor dyed in the same manner. The rest of the figure is covered in a skintight bodysuit that shows off darker hues of these two colors. We have just met Saico-Tek, whose right hand comes out from behind the back on the next line.

Trucker: Get out of the way!

Close-up of the rising hand, which grips a bright, pink sphere from which four blades extend radially to create a shuriken. This is flung at the windshield, sticks in the glass, and begins to spin its blades like a buzzsaw. Realizing that he may very well end up as hamburger, the trucker bails out an instant before the weapon breaks through and embeds itself in his seat. The shuriken's hub beeps and flashes briefly before the whole thing detonates in a cloud of pink smoke.

As the view clears and the man tries to get his wits back about him, Saico-Tek strides past; brief close-up of the bi-colored feet as they break into a run, then pull back to frame the attacker fully from the front. Male, same color scheme on the upper chest as on the back, including the mask that covers every square inch of the face. The sternum is marked by a large pink/blue circle or lens, the forehead sporting a smaller one.

Saico-Tek charges through the traffic, readying an appropriately hued shuriken in each hand, and lets fly. The resulting explosions, with their lurid smoke clouds, rip into the vehicles and send onlookers into an instant panic. Next, he targets a bus, which screeches to a stop just shy of his position.

The passengers make a mad dash for the door, but something o.c. draws his attention skyward and stays his hand; it proves to be a batarang, which curves neatly past the bus and back to strike the shuriken away. Mason clearly thinks rather little of these afternoon pyrotechnics.

A second later, Beast Boy, as a falcon, swoops down from roof level and buzzes past Saico-Tek, who ducks away with no time spare. Right behind that charge comes a three-way barrage of sonic cannon, starbolt, and black shots, marking the other three Titans' part in the counter-offensive. The two-tone foe flips and leaps nimbly out of range, perching atop a lamppost; close-up of the birdarang as it returns to the thrower's hand.

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