S4: The Prophecy

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Open to the machine room Slade set on fire during his face-off with the Titans in "Birthmark." As his implacable form rises at the far end, Raven races up a flight of stairs toward the camera, just before the giant pistons lining the walls start to collapse.

Slade: It has begun.

Robin: Freeze!

The image jumps a bit and goes still as the camera pulls back. What we have just seen is a video clip playing on the window/screen in the operations center of Titans Tower. It is nighttime, and the lights are low here. Shots from other angles fill the rest of the panes; Mason stands before the display, studying it intently.

Mason: Rewind.

The click of a remote is heard; cut to a head-on shot of him and Beast Boy, who is sprawled wearily on the couch with the remote in his hand. Pictures of Slade and the glowing red S-Insignia on his forehead, also Trigon's brand-lie on the coffee table.

Beast Boy: Dude, we've been looking at this thing all day. I'm telling you, there's nothing else there. Also you look tired, have you been sleeping?

Mason: No. And there has to be. Play it again.

Beast Boy: "Slade Kicks Butt," take three hundred and four.

Click; Cyborg comes in.

Mason: Cyborg. Anything?

Close-up of him.

Cyborg: I cross-matched that symbol with every database on the planet.

Robin: And?

Cyborg: Nothing. Whatever it is, it's not from Earth.

Mason: New powers? Cryptic threats? Targeting Raven? Slade's playing a whole new game now.

The frozen image of the covered face flickers a bit as he eyes it up and down. Zoom in on the forehead, putting him out of view.

Mason: And this symbol is the key. We will find out what it means.

Dissolve to a close-up of it, chiseled into a patch of rock, and pull back to show this area as a wide, jagged island shaped like the insignia in a lake of lava. Raven steps up to a ridge on the far shore; in close-up, she is just as pensive and worried as when she had her apocalyptic vision from "Birthmark". Behind her, the sky has gone blood-red and Jump City stands in ruins as Slade made it appear. The sound of his voice snaps her out of the reverie.

Slade: Tick-tock, Raven. Time is running out.

Raven: I'm not afraid of you!

He materializes behind her.

Slade: Silly girl. I'm not the one to be afraid of.

He continues his advance, forcing her to back up, and the camera shifts to show them on the roof of another smashed structure.

Slade: You know that.

Lightning whites out the view; when it clears, she is alone atop the wreckage. Her respite lasts only the fraction of a second before huge fireballs start to rain down from the sky and a terrible, booming, familiar voice speaks up.

Dark Voice: What you have concealed, you shall become!

Two of the missiles curve in and collide at her position, throwing flames in all directions. Through the inferno, a hemispherical black shield emerges, she has used her powers just in time, and she takes it down as the fire swirls around her.

Raven: It's a lie! I won't let this happen. I'll find a way.

Slade walks through the fire.

Slade: Your optimism is really adorable, but you're forgetting one thing, Raven.

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