S3: Haunted

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The episode opens to the crescent moon, partially hidden behind dark clouds in the night sky. Pull back to ground level, putting Titans Tower in view, and cut to a close-up of the snoring house pet, the moth larva last seen in "Betrothed." Pan across the darkened space, the operations center, and stop on Robin, who sits before the window/screen.

It shows three images: long shots of the museum, a stretch of the bridge over Jump City Bay, and the waterfront carnival. Cut to a close-up of these, with a digital clock readout ticking over to 12:00, and tilt down to the insomniac Boy Wonder; chin in hands, he rests his elbows on the computer keyboard.

Cut to a close-up of the pensive teen's face. The sound of a door opening o.c. makes him turn around; pan to the main entrance, where Cyborg and Mason had just come in.

Cyborg: You still up?

He walks in.

Robin: I've got work to do.

They mulls this over for a second. Cut to a close-up of the highway view, then pan to the museum and the carnival in turn. Not a soul in sight on any of them.

Cyborg: Well, whatever you're looking for is probably asleep, like you should be.

Him and Mason heads back to the door, stopping to activate the Tower's security systems with a palm scan as he did in "Betrayal."

Cyborg: Lockdown initiated. Good night.

Out they go, shutting the door; Robin continues to ponder the scenes arrayed before him. Cut to a close-up of his narrowed eyes, then dissolve after a moment to inside the entrance to the Tower's basement. An electric light flickers fitfully o.c. as the camera tilts down to the base of the long stairwell that leads to the floor. Pan across the machinery that hunkers silently under the inadequate glow, and stop on several stacks of boxes.

Robin is here, and he pulls one down from the top level and sets it on the floor. Snap to black, which immediately resolves into the interior of the container as he pulls off the lid. Cut to one corner of it and pan slowly across the contents; assorted memorabilia used by Slade or connected with him, including the mask Robin cracked and broke in half during the pair's fights in Part Two of "Apprentice." The two halves have been reattached, though the fracture down the left side is still there.

Robin regards the items for a moment and lifts the mask for a good look, stirring up clouds of dust as he does so. His lungs protest slightly with a coughing spasm; suddenly the lights come on and the next voice takes him by surprise.

Mason: He's not coming back, you know.

Cut to Mason and Cyborg at the switch.

Mason: That's all that's left of him. Nothing but dust.

Robin: We can't be sure. He was never captured, never found.

He is referring to Slade's disappearance in Part Two of "Aftershock"; recall that the last anyone saw of him was his dropped mask being engulfed by the erupting lava in his cavern lair.

Mason: It's over, Robin. Slade's gone.

The alarm goes off, accompanied by flashing red lights.

Robin: Trouble!

The three boys run o.c. toward the stairs. Cut to a close-up of the damaged mask and zoom in slowly, then fade to black.

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