S4 Finale: The End Pt.2

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Opening shot: a screen filled with diseased red light, which fades away to leave a close-up of Trigon's mark against a black field.

Raven: Trigon is coming...

Pull back; it is on the crest of a large raven floating somewhere above Jump City.

Raven: ...and the way he gets here is through me.

The bird caws loudly; fade to that red glow, then in to the five Titans on their nature hike in Part One, Act One. All are brought up short as the sun blots itself out and the sky darkens, and Raven's body is overwritten with runes and she starts to pass out.

Mason: Raven!

Cut to ground level, the camera tilting 90 degrees to frame her face right side up as she keels over. Fade to red, then in to a moment at the end of "The Prophecy"; she stands morosely in the operations center, facing the windows.

Raven: I'm not just a person. I'm a portal.

Fade to red, then to her in a stop-time city street; a scene from "Birthmark." Slade's boot steps in near the camera, setting the asphalt on fire, and the camera shifts to frame him just down the block, with a wall of flames behind.

Slade: The portal must be opened!

One lightning-fast lunge puts him within easy reach of Raven's arm; he seizes her wrist, causing his fire to race up toward her shoulder. Flash to red, which fades away to show a close-up of that same forearm, now glowing with the secret marks. She floats slowly backward from the camera, arms spread and cloak billowing over the fingers of the great stone hand in the chamber far beneath the old library.

Now we have jumped to the end of Part One. The characters float away from her body and form their whirling circle around her waist, while the unholy white light blazes from her eyes and midsection. The latter expands to fill the screen, then clears to show that Trigon's swirling portal has formed at the ceiling and is descending to smash the central pillar into dust. Transfixed with horror, the Titans stare at the sheets of fire that tear across the room just in front of them, and Trigon makes his appearance.

Trigon: The Earth is mine!

Fade to red, then in to the remains of the chamber after he tore the city apart; a scene from Part Two. In a long shot and slow zoom, a figure can be seen standing at the top of the steps that led up to the now-shattered pillar, and a dissolve to that spot shows Mason here.

Mason: It just doesn't feel like Raven's really gone.

Slade: That's because she isn't.

The voice makes the Nomad almost break his neck when he whirls toward it. Cut to his level, looking down the stairs, on this line; the archrival steps out from the inky shadows of the peripheral arches. Close-up.

Slade: Raven can still be saved.

Fade to red, then in to a close-up of Mason.

Mason: I'll bring her back.

Pull back; he is addressing the other Titans in the chamber.

Mason: I promise.

He and Slade break into a run along the winding trail that will lead them far into the lava caverns below Jump City. Fade to black.

Starfire: Get up. Get up.

On the second repetition, fade in to a close-up of her face; Starfire is flat on her back and out cold, but starting to come around, and these words were her thoughts. The camera pulls back as she finally snaps to with a gasp and sits up for a look.

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