Chaptet 8: The Outsiders (Part 2)

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       - - - - PARKER HOME/PETER BEDROOM - - - -      The next morning, Peter Parker is in his bedroom fast asleep, enjoying the late Saturday wake up calls, when suddenly his phone begins to ring

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     The next morning, Peter Parker is in his bedroom fast asleep, enjoying the late Saturday wake up calls, when suddenly his phone begins to ring. Annoyed, Peter opens one eye and sees his phone begin ringing on his desk. Closing both eyes, Peter shoots a web-line and yanks it but instead of his phone his web connected to his night light which hits him straight in the face. Peter lets out a yelp from the pain of the steel night light hitting him in the face. Now fully awake, he shoots another webline and this time it connects to his phone and he then yanks the webline and the phone lands in his hand.

Peter[OTP]: Mmh, Hello?

Archie[OTP]: Hey Pete

Peter[OTP]: Yo Archie, what's up?

Archie[OTP]: Hey man, if you're not doing anything, me and some of the guys are gonna help out my Dad at Andrews Construction.

  Peter was confused by this request as he had no idea as to why Archie would be asking for his help. With his Spider Strength, working in construction would be like piece of cake, for Peter, but Archie didn't know about his increased strength so why would he ask.

Peter[OTP]: Why?

Archie[OTP]: Clifford Blossom bought out my Dads crew and now he has no one working on his project. So, I'm bringing together some of the guys to help out. You in?

Peter[OTP]: I'm not exactly a construction type of guy, Archie.

Archie[OTP]: I know but Pete, my dad could lose everything. We need all the help we can get.

   Knowing how far back Mr.Andrews and Uncle Ben, and how much of good friends they were as Fred was the only person, in Riverdale, Ben kept up with, Peter felt that this was the right thing to do to help Mr. Andrews as Uncle Ben would definitely do the same thing.

Peter[OTP]: What time I have to be there?

   Meanwhile, in another part of town, Max Dillion is in his cramped bedroom, hanging up another photo Valerie that he's taken, without her consent. As he's staring at the photo, suddenly a loud voice is heard coming from the other room.

Mr. Dillion: Max!

   Hearing his Dad call for him, Max begins to shudder and the thought of having to interact with him but he knew if he didn't answer him, his dad would only get more angrier. So, reluctantly, Max walks out of his bedroom and heads for the main living area where he's sees his Dad sitting in his easy chair, with an empty beer bottle in his hand, his mother sitting on the couch, with a dead look on her face and holding a cigarette in her to fingers, and his baby sister playing with a teddy bear. Hearing the footsteps, Max's father looks up and sees Max standing there waiting for his command.

Max: Yeah, dad?

Mr. Dillion: Go get me a beer, from the fridge.

Max: But it's 9 am.

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