Chapter 11: To Riverdale and Back Again (Part 4)

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             - - - - SCHOOL GYMNASIUM - - -    At Riverdale high, the night is still young as the school gymnasium is still packed with people celebrating and having a good time

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- - - - SCHOOL GYMNASIUM - - -
At Riverdale high, the night is still young as the school gymnasium is still packed with people celebrating and having a good time. In the crowd is Mary Jane Watson who is still enjoying her "punch". As she's enjoying her drink, Peter Parker walks up to her clenching his stomach.

MJ: Hey, where you going?

Peter: Just headed to the bathroom. I think I ate something. What's that smell?

Peter leans in a smells Mary Jane, who rolls her eyes and realizes that she's been caught.

Peter[cont.]: Are you drunk?

MJ: I'm having fun. You should try it.

Peter: Whatever. I'll be back.

As Peter heads out of the gym, the principal of the school, Principal Weatherbee takes the stage and ask for everyone's attention.

Principal Weatherbee: I hope you're all having a great time.

    The crowd begins to cheer at the excitement of the night continuing on.

Principal Weatherbee[cont.]: Now let's spice things up with a Riverdale high classic. Ladies and Gentlemen, Josie and the....

Suddenly the lights go out and the gym doors are all slammed shut. Everyone is looking around and wondering what is going on. Suddenly, the giant two screen behind Weatherbee start up and appearing on the screens is the face of Electro. Looking around with his giant head, similar to the magic mirror, Electro looks down and smiles at Weatherbee.

Electro: Hi.

Suddenly, from the screen, a streak of electricity hits the stage and a figure begins to slowly form into a human form. From the gym door window, Peter sees this and immediately runs to the bathroom to change into something more... comfortable. As Electro is fully configured, Principal Weatherbee approaches him.

Principal Weatherbee: Mr. Dillion! What's the meaning of...

Not even paying him any attention, Electro touches Weatherbee chest and sends him flying and landing on the ground. The touch from Electro has caused Weatherbee heart to stop. Screams and gasp are coming from all corners of the gymnasium as Weatherbee's lifeless body hits the polished gym floor, Electro lets out an exasperated sigh and rolls his eyes.

Electro: Aw, crap.

Electro hovers off the stage and the walks toward his body. Electro kneels down and touches Weatherbee's chest. Electro electrocutes Weatherbee chest and restarts his heart. Weatherbee then wakes up and gasps for air as Electro helps up.

Electro: There you go.

As Electro helps Weatherbee up, he pushes him to the crowd. Electro examines the crowd and once he sees Valerie, he lets out a sinister smile and hovers toward her. Josie and Mallory jump in front of her but that doesn't stop Electro as pushes them away. Electro gets, uncomfortably, close to Valerie and examines her.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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