Forever Happy With You

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Last night I went to bed happy and feeling good. I felt something wonderful was going to happen soon. I woke up the next morning to the gang talking quite loudly in the living room. I hurried and took a shower before greeting the gang in the living room.

"Morning guys." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "Hey doll, what's up?" Dal asked hugging me tightly. "Not much just woke up." I said and giggled. I walked into the kitchen where Darry, Soda, and Steve were gathered. "Oh hey Anna." Soda said and gave me a side hug. "Hey." I replied. "Morning Steve." I said and held my arms open for a hug. Steve just looked at me and walked away. My smile turned to a frown and I looked at Soda.

"Hey Soda can I talk to you privately real quick?" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to mine and Pony's room. He sat beside me on the edge of the bed. "What's up?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "What's going on with Steve, he's been really distant lately and he looks tired and hurt." I said genuinely concerned. "Did no one tell you ?" Soda asked. 'Tell me what?" I questioned. "Evie cheated on him and got pregnant by some guy named Ernie Sinsold. He's really broken, he was going to marry her I mean he's been with her since he was 17." He said with sorrow in his eyes. "Oh, I-I didn't know, I feel so bad." I said and got up from the bed.

"Thanks Soda." I said giving him a hug. I walked out back into the living room where Two-Bit and Johnny were sitting on the floor watching Mickey and Dally and Pony sitting on the couch messing around. I didn't see Steve, he wasn't even in the kitchen.

"Wheres Steve, I want to talk to him." I asked loud enough so even Darry and Soda could hear me in the kitchen. "He went to the dingo." Darry yelled from the kitchen. I paused and then decided to go meet him there and have a talk. I quickly grabbed my coat and ran out the door.

"Anna where are you going?!" I heard Pony yell after me. I ran down the road until I reached the dingo. I looked in the window and spotted Steve sitting at a table all by himself with his head down. I walked in and took a seat on the other side if the booth. "Steve?" I said and his head shot up. He quickly wiped tears form his eyes. "Anna w-what are you doing here?" He asked alarmed.

"I wanted to talk to ya, I just heard what happened and I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier." I said looking down. "It's not your fault you didn't know, I should've told you, your like my second best friend." He said and picked up a straw wrapper. "Wait I'm considered one of your best friends?" I asked shocked. Steve slowly nodded. Then I got up and Steve did to. We shared a long hug. "Let's go home." I said and we walked out the door.

***TIME SKIP TO 7:00 P.M.***

"Anna!" Let's go!" Pony yelled from the living room. Pony's taking me on a date tonight at the drive-in and then he's taking me to a surprise location. I was super excited. "Coming!" I yelled back. I looked at myself in the mirror before leaving the room. I had on a little black dress, the necklace Dallas gave me, some gold earrings, and my converse. I had my hair curled and my curtain bangs swept to the side.

I quickly walked out of my room and over to Pony who was standing by the door. He wrapped his arm around my waist and announced we were leaving. We walked down the road until we got to the drive-in. We didn't climb under the fence because I was wearing nice clothes and didn't want to dirty them. We paid and took our seats.

"I'm going to get snacks you want anything?" Pony asked getting up from his chair. "I'll just have a Pepsi babe." I said and smiled at him before continuing to watch the movie. A minute later Pony came back with two Pepsi's and one popcorn. He sat back down and handed me my drink. "Here babe." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled, "thank you."


When the movie was over we left for the surprise location. It was about a mile walk from the drive-in but I didn't mind at all. We walked hand in hand and talked about the movie. Soon we came to this walkway that lead into the forest. We walked on the little trial until we got to this beautiful place. It had a small pond with Lillipads, ducks, frogs, and little flowers spread out in the water. There was a blanket on the ground with food and candles. There were string lights hung on the willow tree that was hovering over the blanket.

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