Lucky To Have You

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Me and Pony walked home hand in hand still smiling, occasionally sharing kisses. We walked up the porch steps and I went to open door but Pony stopped me. He turned me to face him and held my face in his hands. He pulled me in and kissed me softly. He smiled at me and opened the door for me. I walked in and everyone turned their heads to look at me and Pony. "How was the date?" Darry asked. I smiled back at Pony and then looked back at the gang waiting for an answer. "Well..." I paused. "We're engaged!!" I yelled in excitement. Everyone jumped up and hugged me and Pony, congratulating us.

Dally picked me up, flinging me over his shoulder and  spinning me. I laughed as he put me down. He hugged me tight before going to over to Pony and patting him on the back. "If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you." Dal said with a serious face but smiled bright after Pony nodded quickly. Johnny came over and kissed my forehead before embracing me in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you Anna." Johnny said still hugging me. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Now...when are you having kids?" Two-Bit asked wiggling his eyebrows. We all laughed. "Idk, maybe soon." I said and smirked at Pony. We all laughed again. "You guys should get some sleep its 1 in the morning." Darry said and me and Pony agreed. The whole gang kissed my cheek before we parted for the night.

Me and Pony walked into our room. "How about a nice warm bath before we go to bed?" Pony suggested. "Actually that sounds really nice right now." I said smiling. "I'll go get the water running." Pony said before leaving. I smiled and removed my dress and jewelry, along with my shoes. I slipped on some sweatpants and a sports bra before heading to the bathroom.

When I walked into the the bathroom Pony was standing there waiting for me. He had lit some candles and spread rose peddles   Across the top of the bubbles in the bathtub. I smiled and hugged him. "I tried to make it romantic." He said with a cheesy smile. "Well I think it's very romantic." I said and smiled. "Shall we?" Pony asked. I nodded and stated removing my clothes.

Pony did the same and he stepped in the tub holding his hand out to help me step in. I gripped his hand as he pulled me in. When I sat down the water was warm and it felt great. I leaned back and closed me eyes. "Enjoying your bath love?" Pony asked and chuckled. "Yes it's very nice and warm." I said sitting up. Pony grabbed the back of my neck and slowly pulled me into a kiss.

"God I love you." Pony said staring into my eyes and resting his hands on my bare shoulders. I smiled at him and pulled him in for another kiss. "I don't know how I got so lucky to find a guy like you, and to think it all came to be just because I asked if you wanted to be friend when we were 10 and 11." I said and stared at him with love. "Come here." Pony said as he held out his arms. I hugged him tight and wrapped my legs around his torso still hugging him tightly.

We stayed like that until Pony looked up at the clock on the bathroom wall. "It's 1:45 A.M., we should probably get out and get some sleep." Pony said letting go of me. I nodded and stepped out, Pony following behind me. I dried off and put my sweatpants and sports bra back on, and Pony put some sweatpants on.

We quietly walked into our bedroom and climbed into bed. I faced Pony and he tucked and strand on hair behind my ear before peppering my cheeks in kisses. He dug his face into my neck and peppered it too in kisses before moving back to my face. I blushed and slowly reached my hand up to cup his face. "Let's get some sleep, goodnight love." I said and pulled him in to a long kiss. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you." "I love you too."

We then drifted off to sleep. Me cuddled into Pony's bare chest and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

***THE NEXT DAY, (7:00 A.M.)***

I woke to a long and passionate kiss. I kissed back quickly and Pony rolled me on top of him. He pulled away and caressed my cheek with his thumb before kissing me again. I tried getting up but Pony pulled me back down. "No ones home honey." Pony said and smirked. "Save it for the honeymoon babe." I said rolling off him.

We both got up and did our morning routine before heading to the kitchen and starting breakfast. Pony turned on the radio and "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka, started playing. Pony turned it up and pulled me into the living room. He rested his hands on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We swayed back and forth, slowly dancing to the music. I rested my head on his chest and took in the moment.

When the song ended me slowly pulled me into a soft kiss. Then "Wouldn't It Be Nice",by The Beach Boys, came on and we danced around the living room. Pony twirled me around and picked me up and did tricks to the music. When that song ended, I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Pony's torso and he held me tight.

We walked back into the kitchen and cooked eggs and toast for ourselves. "The gang was out playing football, so we had the house to ourselves. It was nice and peaceful. We sat on the couch with our food and watched "The Twilight Zone" .  It was always on in the early mornings.

When we were finished with our food I quickly washed the two plates and sat down on Pony's lap, and continued watching the show.

We hadn't noticed that the radio was still on until "A Teenager In Love" by Dion and The Belmonts, started playing. Pony was smiling and then he looked at me as the song was soon ending and kissed me. It felt like a movie, when the two main characters finally fall in love and they end the movie with them kissing.

I loved it, I loved this boy. He made my stomach fill with butterflies and my eyes twinkle. "I'm so lucky to have you." I said and smiled while looking into his eyes.

THANK YOU for reading,STAY GOLD🌅

Here's all the songs that played on the radio if you want to listen to them. ❤️

"Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka.

"Wouldn't it be nice" by The Beach Boys.

"A Teenager In Love" by Dion and The Belmonts.

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