Chapter Eighteen - Brother?

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The air felt as if it had been sucked from Adriel's lungs. It was an illusion, a trick of the mind conjured by Sauron. He couldn't be real, he had died over a thousand years ago. Adriel pointed her sword at his chest, fury blazing in her eyes. Callon took a step forward, placing his chest against the tip of Adriel's sword. Their eyes met, Adriel's jaw clenched.

"Who are you?" she snarled, pushing the blade into the Witch's chest.

"You know who I am," Callon said softly, "your eyes do not deceive you." The sound of Legolas drawing his bow made Callon look past Adriel to where Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli had all drawn their weapons.

"Prove it," Adriel growled. Callon's eyes snapped back to his sister, an undeniable rage radiating off of her features. Callon looked over her before speaking.

"You have a scar across your shoulders from the blade of a Nazgul," he spoke, his tone dipping so his group could not hear. Adriel continued to stare at him. "Legolas," Callon said, jerking his chin towards the Elf, "has followed you like a puppy since you were mere children." Callon's green eyes flicked to where Legolas stood behind Adriel, his bow drawn, waiting for her order. Gimli muttered something inaudible to Aragorn from where they stood defensively behind her.

"Watch your tongue," Adriel warned, her blade still pressed firmly against his chest. Callon sighed, looking back to his younger sister.

"The sword on your back," he uttered, jerking his chin towards Haldir's blade, "father had gifted it to Haldir, our uncle, when he and our mother left us in Haldir's care. It had been our father's before." Adriel's stomach dropped, her hold on her sword faltering. A small few knew of the blade's history.

"How?" she asked, her cool tone wavering, "I watched you die." Callon pushed Adriel's blade to the side, she let the sword clatter to the rocky ground.

"I will explain all sister, I promise," Callon said softly, his shoulders dropping. Adriel took a small step towards her brother, still unsure. Callon closed the space between them, wrapping his arms around her. Adriel felt her heart seem to re break and reheal as she let herself melt into Callon's chest.

It was him.

It was really her brother.

The sound of stones crunching being her made Adriel reluctantly pull away from Callon's embrace, unshed tears welling in her eyes.

"Callon," Legolas breathed. Callon grinned at the Elven Prince.

"Legolas," he responded, a smirk working its way onto his freckled face. They grabbed tightly onto each other's forearms, bowing their heads. Adriel looked past her brother to the group of Witches who were still bowing. Callon followed Adriel's gaze, turning to the group he had been leading. "Stand," Callon commanded as he turned to look back at his sister, "behold your queen." The group of Witches quickly stood from where they had been kneeling on the river's rocky shore.

"This is all?" Adriel asked softly. Callon shook his head, a broad smile growing on his face.

"There are another seventy five of us stationed across the river, we have been awaiting the ships arrival, more will be gathering in Minas Tirith along with those I have already stationed there," Callon answered. Adriel nodded curtly.

"We need to stop these ships," she said, turning back to Aragorn. Aragorn nodded, looking between Adriel and Callon.

As the ships grew nearer Adriel could begin to see the mercenaries aboard. She stood between Legolas and Aragorn, Legolas's shoulder brushing against her own. Callon and his band of Witches stood silently behind the trio, Gimli standing impatiently on Legolas's other side. The crystal around Adriel's neck pulsated as she looked across the river.

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