Chapter Nineteen - The Battle of Pelennor Fields

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The morning had come quickly.

Adriel stood at the boat's edge, her cloak and sheaths once again covering her back with a familiar weight. Her hair had been braided intricately out of her face by Legolas during their restless night, her vision free of the usual loose strands of long wavy hazel hair. Legolas stood silently beside her, the pair watching as the white city came into view. The scar across her shoulders burned, she took a deep breath in an attempt to settle the burning pain.

"I name Callon as my heir should anything happen to me," Adriel murmured, not taking her eyes away from the horizon. Legolas looked over to her, his face grim.

"Adriel I-" Adriel cut Legolas off.

"I need you to stay near Aragorn, no matter where I go, do not follow," Adriel turned to look at Legolas, the Prince's face a mix of fear and anger, "I will not risk having you near when I meet the Witch King." Legolas reluctantly nodded. Adriel pursed her lips, moving to wrap her arms around him. Legolas wasted no time returning Adriel's embrace, holding her tightly to the chest. She could feel his quick heart beat thundering in his chest. Legolas rested his chin on the top of Adriel's head, savouring her touch.

"You will return to me," he murmured, his grip on her tightening, "you always have." Adriel nodded as she pulled away from Legolas's chest, smiling softly up to him. Her attention turned to Callon and Aragorn who stood silently in the middle of the ship, Gimli standing at Aragorn's side. Adriel looked up to Legolas, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before moving past him to her brother.

"The element of surprise is ours, there will be a war party awaiting us at the port," Callon said as Adriel approached them. She nodded, looking around at the other ships where the Witches had already hid themselves, the entire fleet seemed to be empty. She looked at the Witches that were aboard her ship, murmuring amongst themselves as they prepared for the battle. Adriel took a deep breath, following Aragorn and Callon back to where Legolas stood alongside Gimli at the ship's edge. Adriel watched as the city grew closer, adjusting her sheaths, her fingers brushing over the hilt of her sword.

"Whoever kills the most Uruk-Hai and Orc filth gets a kiss from the lady," Gimli piped up to Legolas as Adriel moved to stand between the Elf and the Dwarf.

"Sounds fair," Adirel said with a grin as she looked between the two. Legolas snorted, adjusting his quiver.

"There will be no ties this time," Legolas muttered to the Dwarf.

"I'd like to remind you both of who won last time," Adriel said with a smirk. Gimli laughed maniacally clutching his axe. Adriel looked past Gimli to see Callon, her brother turning to meet her gaze. "Don't die again," Adriel quipped.

"I won't try to," Callon snickered, twirling a knife skillfully through his tan fingers. Adriel smiled, turning her attention to the oncoming port.

"Everyone down!" Aragron called out. Adriel crouched behind the ship's wall, pulling her hood over her head. She peered over to Legolas who was crouched next to her. The Prince gently grasped her right hand, placing a firm kiss on her knuckles, his lips brushing over her ring. She smiled lovingly at him. "Adriel, now," Aragorn whispered. She nodded. The Witch closed her eyes clenching her fists closed, bringing the entire Corsairs fleet to a stop.

"Late as usual, pirate scum!" an Orc yelled angrily from the port, "there's knife-work here needs doing." The Orcs' yells ceased for a few seconds, the sounds of battle echoed in the distance. "Come on, you sea rats! Get off your ships!" Aragorn took a deep breath before standing up, launching himself over the side of the ship. Adriel quickly followed, landing on the stone port beside Legolas, crouching as she landed. She stood to her full height, drawing her sword as the Witches jumped from their ships. Her eyes landed on the leader of the Orc war party, his face dropping at the sight of the Witches and the remaining four members of the Fellowship. Aragorn and Adriel were the first to begin walking forward. Adriel spun her sword skillfully as she moved forward, her face covered in the shadow of her cloak's hood.

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