Chapter Twenty - The Witch Queen

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A/N This is a part I have recently written, there's a good chance in the future I will go back and add more detail and interactions! Let me know what you think!
- Tayls

Adriel winced as she pulled her arm guards off, her hands shook violently. The witch hissed as she grabbed the bottom of her tunic attempting to pull it over her head. The burning sensation that radiated from her hands up her arms was nearly unbearable, she sighed as she dropped her arms in defeat. The feeling of someone gently grabbing the hem of her tunic made Adriel slowly turn.

"Let me help you," Legolas murmured, fingering the fabric. Adriel pursed her lips and nodded, turning her back to the elf. Slowly he lifted the fabric revealing her scarred back, Adriel clenched her jaw in pain as she weakly lifted her arms above her head to let Legolas pull the blood and dirt stained tunic and undershirt over her head. Legolas's breath hitched as his eyes looked over her bruised and broken body. Adriel's eyes flicked up to the mirror she stood in front, looking over the almost black bruise that covered most of her side. Her eyes travelled to her bare arms, black swirling speech littered her scarred skin over and over again. She gritted her teeth as she read the familiar words that now adorned her skin.

Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

"No more sleeveless gowns then I suppose," Adriel muttered, staring at her arms, the dark script whirling from her wrists up to her shoulders. Legolas's gentle fingers ran up her right arm, gently tracing over the script. Adriel slowly turned to face him, his eyes flickered up to the small gash that still lightly bled on her cheekbone.

"You're beautiful," he almost silently breathed out, his hand still tracing over her arm. Adriel raised a brow, a small smirk playing on her chapped lips.

"I just got the shit kicked out of myself and now you're attempting to flatter me?" she mused, bringing a hand up to touch his cheek. A smile edged its way onto Legolas's face, sheepish but loving.

"I would like to stay in the good graces of the Queen of Angmar," he quipped, his blue eyes meeting her golden ones. Adriel snorted in amusement, placing a gentle kiss to his lips. She was no queen, not until Sauron faced defeat. The sound of the small room's door opening caught Adriel's attention, the witch's eyes snapped to the door only to see Galena and Callon entering. Both quickly bowed as they stepped into the room, the dirt and gore cleaned from their clothes and faces. Galena's new form caught Adriel off guard for a moment, her small withered body had been replaced by that of a much younger form, her greyed hair now a deep brunette, the only feature that remained the same where her earthed coloured eyes. Adriel bowed her head slightly, stepping away from Legolas, standing at his side. Callon's mossy eyes flickered between Adriel's face, arms, and ribs. The older witch grimaced at the dark bruise, a gash from one of the long metal spikes had slightly torn her skin, blood still oozed from the wound.

"I figured you would be in need of my services," Galena jested as she walked further into the room, tossing a small sachel of supplies onto the bed that sat against the room's far wall, "come, sit." Adriel complied, making her away across the small room, wincing as she slowly sat on the bed. Galena wasted no time getting to work, the witch's hands lingering on the marks on Adriel's arms before moving onto the gash on her cheek. "Mm this is going to scar," Galena muttered, gently dabbing the wound with a damp cloth. Adriel's eyes moved to Legolas and Callon who stood beside each other, quietly talking, Legolas's gaze occasionally turning to her before returning to Callon. Galena pushed on Adriel's side earning a hiss from the younger witch. "Yeah that's definitely broken," the witch murmured to herself as she turned to dig through her satchel.

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