The Couch

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A couch which makes you sink in precious warmth subsides

Had a conduit although thyself originates

Not self-absorption but long embraces deprived

Withal blaming cushions timid'ty cogitate.

Include my well-sprung thoughts find true meridian:

Ashamed, wise, more intense o clever, wider readers;

Phonebooks noun'd the verb and verb'd the noun, intentions

Between cold and hot was not fair but a fever.

Television counterfeits prospects to a drab,

Made where bounty, rich potential simulated,

Too, o'er bad faith small-aspirèd enthrones could nab

Thy fervor; films fear, rheumatiz'd video games,

So realistic, aren't. My friend, I would if rust

Will not torment this ill this young 'nd, indef'nite's dust.

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