... But dogma without experience
do not hold the divine waters ...
~ Ralph Semino Galán, HierophantImpeccable stow to deep showers faint indeed,
The hushing turb'lence of both aegis, of Saturn,
Strength so delicate, so thin its curt of ice beads
On the Thousand Ruby... sojourn we swear the morn;
A record-player that could steer no more froze burns
Has ran itself aground like its roars of some thund'ring
Snow, bade the glorious flame t'exhilarating worn
Bows the great humility without leap, asking
So the clout of impending maximalists, sing
These bounded with same old rhetoric, the same cheers,
With the same old jeering. Bend in, the path splitting
Reincarnation, where unwinding inj'ries here
From us, I recorded them all till't trembles wait,
Incapacitated, fated, our next clean slate.