The Sycophant

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How Romantics-thereafter flare a diff'rent flare

Found invention opportune though 'nfer 'nd conceded

A thousand knives from below, whose honor's quelled fair

And distant their bold impressions so rampant bled

Into sensibil'ty; yet, lo the forbidden

Name of control margins us rendered for true love.

Be it, however, an art or verse? Conspiréd

Dreams disfav'ring bleak horizons profound for love.

Love is not in the air. Love is the air; every

Breath we breathe and exhale all so'nd too suddenly

From paltry will the willing maid or damsel free,

All too sudden alive; rarely born until glee

Of now wills alike a victim, rectified souls

So selfish, and yet, coherent our godly woes.

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