Zenitsu Check on the Girls

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On a particular morning, Zenitsu who was on the Disciplinary Committee's duty was writing the information on the board in his hands. His eyes had dark circles under them because he had to wake up early to do his job.

His eyes brightened with joy and a wide smile appeared as he saw you and Nezuko in summer uniforms. You both were heading to the school's gate as you patted Nezuko's head who hummed happily with closed eyes in the enjoyment of your patting.

"Nezuko-chan and (Y/N)-chan look cute in summer uniform, too! Even though (Y/N)-chan is against the rules by piercing her ears, I will ignore it. This is the reason I can't stop checking uniforms every morning."

"Nezuko-chan... (Y/N)-chan!" Zenitsu muttered with giddiness as you patted Nezuko's head two times before she went to her own class.

He looked around before he noticed the other two girls, Kanae-sensei and her adoptive sister, Kanao. "Kanao-chan looks great in the morning. Kanae-sensei of Flower Arrangement Club is a beauty, too."

Zenitsu then noticed Inosuke who walked past him, holding the bento that his foster mother made for him. "Oh, Hashibira, button your uniform up."

"SHUT IT!" Inosuke headbutted his stomach before he threw the bento over his shoulder. "If you want me to button it up, then fight me this lunch break!"

"What a delinquent." Zenitsu thought as the tears came out of his eyes, he then saw Tanjiro as he pointed out his earrings. "Hey, piercing your ears is against the rules."

He was soon startled as Tanjiro bowed 90 degrees before giving him a reason to him. "I know it's against school rules. I'm truly sorry."

"Then, don't knowingly break it. Don't break the rules so politely."

"These are keepsakes of my father."

Zenitsu had tears falling as he whined to him. "Go on, I'll let you off the hook."

Tanjiro bowed to him as a thank you before he heard you shouting and waving, he waved back with a wide smile before he went to you as you two talked to each other with wide smiles while heading to the class.

Zenitsu watched the two with jealousy as he bit the piece of paper and tears fell before he soon stopped as he saw Tomioka-sensei standing in front of you and Tanjiro, blocking the way.

"I won't let you. Your parent's keepsakes or whatever, I won't tolerate piercings that are against school rules."

He then swung the wooden sword at you both as you dodged to his back, shocking everyone as if they saw you were just teleported.

"I'M SO SORRY!" Tanjiro yelled as he jumped over Tomioka-sensei's head while bowing. Tanjiro quickly grabbed your right hand as he pulled you to class together. "BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM!"

Zenitsu noticed Tomioka-sensei look at him before he got chased by the teacher. "I KEEP TELLING YOU TO DYE YOUR HAIR BLACK!"


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