Oliver Aiku| 𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐲

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(C: proofreading this and tbh too much going on bro, like are you all drunk writing this??)

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(C: proofreading this and tbh too much going on bro, like are you all drunk writing this??)

Oliver had been in his hotel suite staring out the window when he noticed a girl walking on the street below.

Oliver was curious as to what someone like her was doing at a sports retreat, so he went down to speak to her.

"Oliver Aiku at your service, miss." He said with a charming smile "Would you be so kind as to tell me your name?"

"Huh?" The girl Looked at him in confused

"Oh, my apologies miss I must have surprised you," As he continued to smile 

"I just noticed you walking by and you seemed, interesting" It would be hard to ignore his good looks and friendly, flirtatious attitude.

"You wouldn't happen to live around here?" He asked as he put his hand behind his head

"oh! I just happen to have a night walk, I can't sleep"

The girl said looking at the tall building's before looking at the man, judging him with her Not so judging eyes

From on her conclusion, this man seems to be a playboy or a womanizer, his a type of guy who would hurt girls and leave them crying on the ground, How pity

Oliver smiled at her comment 

"Ah, not enough excitement during the night?" He chuckled to himself His charming and welcoming demeanor caused the girl to drop her guard. At this point, she could see him staring at her with nothing but a playful smile as she continued to analyze his motives

"I could always bring you back to my room for a drink if that will help you sleep." He said with a wink, his confidence only growing with every sentence he spoke

"I prefer not to, but thank you for the offer"

She said, looked away for a second

He was unfazed and persistent

"You sure?" His eyes lingered on her with a smile that seemed to say otherwise 

"I have an extra big bed and lots of spare time" She could see his smile growing even bigger the more she remained silent

Akari let out a small smile looking at the man


Oliver's eyes widened with surprise. He wasn't used to being turned down

"Oh, are you seeing someone special?" He said with a devilish smirk 

"Or are you waiting to be taken?"

"if I say I was seeing someone? That won't benefit you on anything from me right? Were just strangers we don't know each other"

"That's a fair point," Oliver chuckled 

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