Ikki Niko | 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭

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Lower budget writing
By: Crime

you see him sitting alone

"hello, mind if I seat here?" You asked looking at the over grow bangs boy seated alone, offering him a kind and soft smile, waiting for his answer

"Oh, sure go ahead!" He said as he scooted over a little to give some space for you.

"So uh, I'm Niko. What's your name?" He asked, his cheeks a warm shade of red.

"y/n" you said smiling tilting your head trying to see what's under the bang's

"I wonder why he covers his eyes" You say to yourself, the thought lingering on your mind.
Niko's voice suddenly appears out of no where.

"What did you say?" He asks

Your eyes widen, he heard you?

"Oh... Um, nothing."

You respond as you blush out of embarrassment

He smiles at you, almost like he knows about your question.

"It's okay, it wasn't rude..."

"eh? Is it? I thought it might offed you" you said

He shook his head.

"I'm not easily offended," his voice was soft and gentle, the look on his face looked like he was telling the truth. He looked so kind as he was speaking too. You didn't want to admit it but he was pretty cute.

"so? Why are you sitting alone? Where's your friends at?" You asked

"Oh, I have no friends..." his voice went soft, his arms crossed in front of him.

"I'm an introvert, my shyness and lack of social skills prevent me from making friends easily, so..."

Niko trails off as he shrugs. He doesn't seem too bothered though.

"oh is that so?" You said tilting your head before flashing him a soft smile

"Then I'll gladly be your extrovert" you said offering your hand in front of him

Niko's breath hitches , his cheeks reddening as he looks at you.

"H-Huh?" He stammers as he accepts your hand and shakes it.

"U-Um, thanks..." his voice is still soft as he tries to hide the blush on his face.

"no worries! Everyone needs friends by their side of course" you said, by your very kind and cheerful attitude, everyone in the school seems to like you and adore you.

You be friend almost everyone and everything, even if they said stranger danger she still be friend them

Niko smiled at your kind words.

"Y-Your right..." he said, still looking away from you, embarrassed. Niko had always admired people like you, so confident and cheery, like you didn't have a care in the world.

The fact that he had a friend now filled him with so much joy that his heart felt like it would burst, he didn't say anything but he was sure you could hear his excited heartbeat.

(Time skip)

The two of you have become quite the pair, despite your vastly different personalities, both of you manage to balance each other out. You were always together, and you helped him come out of his shell and make more friends while Niko helped you with your studies when you needed help.

Some people would say that, on the outside, you two were complete opposites. But behind the scenes, both of you help each other and trust each other. There are times when you both fight, but in the end both of you are friends through and through.

(Time skip continued)

The two of you finish your assignment together with a few friends and a few laughs. You and Niko were the most productive, finishing first.

Niko looks at you with his gentle eyes, his hair covering them as always but it doesn't bother you, you've gotten used to that.

"Hey, I want to tell you something" he says softly to you.

"What is it" you ask curiously, looking at him in the eyes.

He takes a deep breath and then says the words, "I really like you."

that took you surprised by what just Niko just said to you, feeling the heat against your face

"You don't have to answer now, but..." He smiled at you, his eyes filled with soft and gentle emotion,

"do you... Like me too?" He asks curiously.

Your heart flutters as he looks at you, a mix of excitement and joy. You know that you like him as well, but is it wise to start something in a place like this?

Niko awaits your answer.

"i-i.....do too...." You said in whisper tone almost as if you can't hear your own voice by just how quite it is

He smiles at your response, his eyes still full of that same soft and gentle emotions.

"Is it okay if I do this?" He asks you. He moves towards you and lightly kisses you on the lips. His soft hair gets a little in your face but you didn't mind it.You were taken aback by the kiss. You had never been kissed before, and certainly not by Niko.

You didn't protest though. No, you wanted this. The feeling of Niko's soft lips against yours made you feel giddy and excited. It felt amazing to know that someone actually likes you like that.

You look towards Niko and he's smiling at you, the same soft and gentle smile he always has. He's just happy to be with you.

"I like this" he whispers as his lips are still touching yours.

The kiss continued for a while, until he finally broke off, breathing out and smiling.

"Was that alright?" He asks nervously, his face a light shade of red.

Your face was as red as an apple, your heart racing at high speeds.

"I really liked it" you tell him as you smile at him.

Niko smiles back, relieved.

"I'm glad you liked it...." He murmurs before kissing you again. His lips are soft on yours and you feel sparks of electricity travel throughout your body. This was love, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now