Shoei Barou | 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Shoei is possessive, arrogant and often unbearable. But you love him. You've been together for three years now.

However, you argue a lot, and that happens often, even in public spaces sometimes. It begins with a stupid remark and then, it explodes. He's always so full of himself, almost disdainful towards you.

Today, you're both in the supermarket. He makes a remark about how you don't know how to chose the right household products. You're not in a good mood so that doesn't help.

"I know what I'm doing Shoei! Let me be and choose the product I want!" You said having enough with this argument

He stares at your red face while you try to take the products from his hands. This only makes him angry, of course. He snatches them again.

"Really, you're acting like a child!" He yells.

"Just get it through your head and listen to your King for once!"

"the king can't rule the town with out the queen stupid! Now give me that!" You said trying to snatch the product on his hand, by jumping because of the height difference

You grab the product from him and he stares at you through gritted teeth. He doesn't say anything but his fists are clenched and you can feel how his muscles are tightening. The atmosphere around here is getting tense and other clients are already looking at you angrily.

You have to lower your voice.

"Stop that. You're making a fool of yourself."

"I'm not! If you just let me be then this won't happen!" You said looked away

Suddenly he grabs your arms.

"Listen to me."

His tone of voice is menacing as he stares hard at you.

"No matter what, you always have to listen to me or you know what can happen."

His stare is so cold and so hateful it chills your spine. His grip is incredibly strong and you feel powerless.

"what? What are doing to do? Hit me with a broom stick? Nagging me? Go on I don't care" you said

His grip is stronger and tighter now, to the point where it hurts. If someone doesn't intervene quickly, he might be able to break your arm.

"Do not mess with me. If you want this to be over, then apologize."

His eyes are red, almost demonic, and his mouth is set in a cruel expression. He has changed his tone of voice and is now saying those words softly, so much it almost sounds like a whisper.

"you should be the one who should apologize" you muttered feeling the pain in your arms

Your eyes were watering trying to escape at the hold, you were scared, most of the time when you have argument with Shoei it wasn't big deal, you guys were just arguing with some childish reasons and will eventually make up to each other

"Apologize for what?"

After everything, he still manages to have this condescending look on his face, as if none of this should happen in the first place, as if he couldn't possibly be the one at fault. He's the King after all.

"for....for...." A word can't came out through your mouth because of how scared you were, hands were shanking, biting your lower lips hard enough not to let any words came out again

"That's what I thought."

He leans down so he's even closer to you and you can see his menacing grimace on his face, his eyes staring into you soul.

"Now apologize."

He wants to make you feel small, weak, stupid.

You're so scared you can't speak anymore, you start trembling. His rage grows but he's more satisfied when you're finally afraid because that's what he wants, to dominate you.

"Listen, I have to repeat myself? You apologize right now and we're through. Or you keep acting like that and you know what will happen."

His voice grew louder the more frustrated he was getting. The veins on his forehead are standing out and he's breathing heavily. You've seen him angry but never this much, it's almost disturbing.

"I'm... sorry" you said apologize, tears falling town hiccups came out through your mouth, you were cry because of Shoei, how scary he was looked in your eyes right now

"Is that all you have to say? 'I'm sorry'?"

His expression is changing now that you've apologized. He doesn't look angry anymore but... you still can't read his feelings. His gaze is empty.

"You have more to say than this. Apologize!"

He wants to see you suffer.

"I'm sorry it won't happen again" you said crying out load

"It won't happen again I'm sorry" you said with hiccups coming through with each words you said

Saying sorry repeatedly to your boyfriend


He releases you from his grip and backs away, putting his hands in his pockets. He stays quiet for a moment and then smiles and looks at you, showing off his perfect teeth.

"See? It's not that hard to listen to me."

He seems happy when you're crying. The fear he caused you makes him feel powerful.

you still cried out, wiping the tears away your eyes which still coming out

"Don't cry now, you're making me sad."

He looks almost bored. He's playing with you. You feel like you have lost your dignity somehow. That's not how things should be. He's your boyfriend, he's supposed to love you.

He starts walking away. He doesn't care that you're here crying in the middle of an aisle in the supermarket. It's like you don't exist.

"You're pathetic."

He turns around, looks at you and says this with disdain, with contempt.

It's like he's the victim, like you're the one who should apologize for your behavior. He's never been this cruel with you and you don't know what to say back.

The only thing that comes to your mind is that you hate him right now. And the worst part is that you loved him.

But you know he's never going to change, that's who he is.

But you know he's never going to change, that's who he is

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𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now