Daichi Sawamura | 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧

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Officer x street painter Au

“Come on Sweetheart, don’t make me say it again. Drop the spray paint can.”

Daichi would sigh out as he took his hand cuffs off his belt as he narrowed his eyes down at the criminal with the hoodie over your head.

He’s been trying to catch this little nuisance for  days, random spray painted graffiti have been appearing across the town. Not the worst of the worst crimes, but definitely annoying when every other day some kind of new artwork comes to light.

“Hands in the air, sweetheart.”

"you sure likes sweet talks Mr officer" you said smirking

Daichi would smirk back at you,

“I hope you can handle it, sweetheart.” He would say out,

“I know you won’t mind me detaining you and taking you in right?” He would speak out,

“I can’t wait to see you all cuffed up.” He would say out with playful smile as he slowly walked to you.

You stayed quiet for a mere moment before you throw the spray paint can Infront of him and run for your life

"Catch me first, Mr officer" you said

Daichi would catch the spray paint can with one hand as he watched you run away. He took his handcuffs out and looked back at you,

“sweetheart wait!” He would yell out as he ran after you.

He would keep running after you with his handcuffs ready to nab you as he saw you running.

You looked back and saw daichi running after you with a handcuff on his hand, you squint your eyes before take out your tongue in teasing manner

"Are you sure you can keep up? You're running too slow, might as well think your in old age" you said keep running fast while laughing

Daichi would smirk as he got closer and closer to you as your teasing got his competitive side coming out, he would take off his jacket as he ran. He would get closer and closer to you,

“oh sweetheart I can do so much more than just keep up.” His smirk would remain as he got closer to you and was almost right behind you.

You saw him catching up with you, your eyes wondering around trying to find some place to escape and there you saw a garbage drum and a half broken stair that almost like it well broke and fall down

You have decided your decision, quick run towards to the garbage can, you stepped on it, grab the broken stair.

"Shit-" you cursed out almost fall down along with that broken stair, thankfully you manage to get up and went above, looking down and saw daichi looking at you like you need to get down and surrender yourself to him

"Can't catch me" you said tongue out, teasing him

The smirk on Daichi’s face grows as he sees you making a run for the stair, he saw it as an opportunity to make things more difficult for you. He would look at you up on that stair and start laughing,

“you are such a sweetheart making me work so hard for you like this.” He would say out with that playful smirk.

“Come on now sweetheart, get down here. You don’t really want to keep me waiting do you?” He would say out with a chuckle.

"I'd rather not" you said

“Oh sweetheart, where’s your fighting spirit?” He would say out with a chuckle,

“get your sexy fine ass down from there before I’ll have to come up there.” His smirk would slowly disappear as he was getting frustrated to see you making it more difficult for him to catch you.

"I like interesting stuff" you said and looked at him

"Try me" you said before disappear in his sight

Daichi had his frustration build up as he saw his attempt to catch you was now all for nothing, but something in him wanted to know where you went. He wouldn’t take his eye of the stair you were just in as he was scanning the area.

“You didn’t….” He would say out with a smirk.

“You sneaky little…” He would say and was about to continue but he saw you on the roof of a building.

Daichi would look at you atop of the building as he was trying to figure out how to catch you while he was on street level.

“So I guess you aren’t ready to surrender huh sweetheart?” He said out with a small chuckle.

"still love my life, I'd rather not too" you said

Daichi would smirk as he saw you make no attempt to surrender, he was enjoying being the dominant one after chasing you and being patient with you. He would continue to look at you atop that building.

“You know sweetheart if I have to come up there and cuff you myself, I won’t be as gentle compared to usual.” He would say out with that smug smirk of his as he had one of his hands on his belt that held his handcuffs.

"that's a kink" you said smirked

Daichi would smirk back,

“so you do like a dominant man I see.” He would say out,

“well, the handcuffs is the least of your worries if I have to come up there.” He would look up at her,

“it can be pretty rough.” He would say out with a smirk.

"nahhh, hard pass" you said up out in other roof

Daichi would smirk as he saw you making your way to another roof, this was getting fun he was starting to enjoy this challenge.

“Oh sweetheart where are you going? You’re going to run away again huh? Can’t handle me?” He would say out with a smirk.

"I'd say I can handle you but too bad, I want to not end the fun here but it's time for me to go home"

Daichi would smirk as he watched you get away, he was impressed by your evasion skills,

“You are one tricky sweetheart…” He would say as he saw you leaving the roof.

“Damn, I won’t get to take you to the station.” He would mumble out with a smirk.

Daichi would let out a sigh as he saw you disappear from the sight,

“damn I was having fun with this” he would say out as his smirk was gone.

“I guess you really won’t be surrendering huh?” Daichi said out as he would walk away as well.


𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now