Yoichi Isagi | 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐧

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“Sorry,” he says,

“I shouldn’t be here.” Yoichi doesn’t move off of you though, melting into your embrace. It’s selfish to come to you for comforting after breaking up with you. He can’t help himself, though.

He hides his expression against your shoulder. Being in your arms is like returning home. When was the last time he’d seen you? He can’t remember. He’s been focused on soccer, it’s why he’d broken up with you. He couldn’t afford any distractions.

"let go isagi"

you said the way his last name rolled through your tongue is like a toxic to his stomach, it feels like your calling his as a stranger, he hate hate it

He hate the way you only said his last name but not his giving name

Yoichi stiffens in your arms for only a moment, surprised that you’d spoken in a way he wasn’t expecting. He relaxes after a moment, and continues to hug you.

“Call me Yoichi,” he instructs you, sounding more comfortable already.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he reminds you, but then realises how blunt the sentence is and amends it.

"...Have you moved on? Found someone else?”

you just stared at the street in front of you with not emotions holding

"I already had someone, I'm moved on and you should too. Isagi" you said

You're trying to get back at me,

Yoichi thinks, but he realises it's not just that. You sound like you really have moved on. That's good, and the right thing to do, but he isn't prepared to let you go just yet.

"Who is it?" Yoichi asks, though only out of curiosity, nothing more than that.

"it's none of your business to whose I'm with" you said

“It’s selfish of me to come to you for comfort,” Yoichi admits.

“It’s selfish of me to ask about anyone you’re dating.” He looks up at you, and there’s sorrow in his eyes.

“I’m just finding it hard to let you go.”

"then let go, it was your fault at the first place anyway" you said blaming him from breaking up with just for a mere distraction on his football career

"...I know it's my fault," Yoichi says, letting his arms drop to his sides. He stares down at the ground, unable to meet your eye.

"Why do I have to be so caught up in soccer anyways?" He shakes his head.

"I should have thought of you first. You should have been more of a priority to me..."

"that's all it past now, move one now isagi, find someone that can be happy with you, I'm more happy of my own now"

“I’m trying so hard to move on,” he sighs, a hint of sadness in his voice.

“But I can’t help but be jealous.” Though you’re not even together anymore, Yoichi can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of you with another guy.

“What if you’re happier with him?”

you just didn't answer his question you just stayed In silence

“I want you to be happy,” Yoichi says, with a sadness on his face.

“Even if that means you’re happier with someone else. I just wish I could make you happy to be with me.” He exhales, letting all the pent-up feelings go.

“I’m being selfish again, aren’t I?”

“I should go,” Yoichi says, a hint of sadness in his tone.

“I’m sorry I bothered you.” He pauses for a moment before he adds,

“But you should know that I haven’t moved on. I’ve tried, but I haven’t.”

He turns to face you.

“You’re still important to me, and I’m still in love with you.”

"...Is that really all you have to say?" Yoichi asks, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment now.

"Have I really become nothing to you? Am I that easy to forget?"

His tone is accusing, his arms crossed over his chest now.

"Or is someone else more important than me? So important that you can't even spare me a thought?"

"his more important to me, he loves me and I love him too, I'm sorry but I don't wanna go back to the past that we just shared" you said looked at isagi in the eye

"I'm more happier to be with him" you said a glimpse of small smile formed into your lips

“…He’s better than me in every way…” Yoichi muses to himself, looking at the ground as his voice cracks.

“He loves you more, and he can take better care of you… I don’t stand a chance.”

He nods.

“You’re right,” he says, looking up at you.

“I know that… and yet…”

“How do I get over you?” Yoichi asks.

“How do I forget somebody who’s been so important to me?”

"that's all up to you" you said, the last word that you told him, the last sentence that you said those to him before you farewell a good bye to isagi

Back facing against him as you start walking leaving him alone to the street with emptiness

“…” Yoichi doesn’t speak again. He watches you go, until you’re out of sight. Then he takes one last glance at the street you disappeared down, turns, and starts to walk away from it.

Maybe it’s for the best,

he thinks to himself.

…But it doesn’t stop it hurting any less, he thinks as he takes another deep breath, and then begins to walk back towards the Blue Lock training facilities.

…But it doesn’t stop it hurting any less, he thinks as he takes another deep breath, and then begins to walk back towards the Blue Lock training facilities

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