Karasu Tabito | 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐬

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Karasu felt really nervous because he lose a bet on You, and he knows really well that you were really sadist when it comes to Bets.

"So?..." karasu looked as You as you just smiled at him, staring at his soul

You said Nothing just keep staring at him smiling.

Karasu is trying to not look nervous, but he's sweating and shaking a little bit

"I lost the Bet, so...?" Karasu asked

"ill think about it first before i announce it to you" You said teasing the male

"WHAT?..." Karasu starts feeling more nervous as the time pass

"Please dont make it worse...please..." Karasu was praying

"See you after school, Tabito-Kun~" you said as you leave the classroom leaving karasu alone in the room

Karasu was sweating so much, he was shaking as well. But when You finally left, he felt a little bit more at ease with himself. He really wants to know what You want to do with him later...but he doesn't dare to ask...

"God, please help me" Karasu was still praying

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Karasu quickly followed You, running


"WHAT A YOU GOING TO DO?" Karasu shouted desperate

"Hm?" You heared Karasu shouted as you looked at him running towards you

"what you mean?...ill think about it so dont worry so much, i mean, im not that worst giving request to anyone when someone losing Bets on me right?"

you said smiling, tilting her head to the side

Karasu just stayed quiet, sweating. He still was nervous, but now he doesn't know if You are going to give a really hard request...

"God damn it!..." Karasu mumbled to himself, trying to hide his nervousess

"relax im not giving you a very worst request" You said, chuckle

"well im not sure if it is worst to force feed a Cinnamon, eating Ghost Pepper, Drinking a Salt and Ice Mixed, eat the Tide Pod, or maybe a making the person play Bird Box the whole day."

you said listing all the request that you just give almost to everyone in the school that make a bets on you.

Karasu listened to what You just said, then he slowly stops shaking

"Those...are really bad, BUT I'm ok with that...at least you're not going to hurt or humiliate anyone like what other person did last time to me..." Karasu felt a little bit hopeful

"But I'm still nervous..."

"OH! and i also remember, i once Let that delinquent Naked in the campus outside the Whole Hour after the school finish!"

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now