Part 2: Chapter 67

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She couldn't help but start crying when they came out of Zaynab's room. Tears were flowing down her face, and she used her hijab to wipe them away. Taslim tried to comfort her, saying, "Hey, don't cry. Try to be strong." But how could she when her mother was sick and stubborn?

She found a seat in the hospital and took a moment to collect herself, finding comfort in the smell of antiseptic and the hustle and bustle of people around her. Tessie, being the amazing friend she is, went to get some water from the nearby canteen. She returned with the water and handed it to her, saying, "Here, drink this. It might help you feel a bit better."

They left for the car, but Islam wasn't ready to talk yet. On the way, she asked about Tessie's mom and learned that she's been busy with "turare stuffs" since her sister's death. Islam nodded and said, "Oh, I understand. It must be tough for her. Please send my regards to your mom. I hope she's doing okay." Then, she fell silent for the rest of the ride.

When they got home, Islam saw Yasin at the counter, diligently working on his assignments and updating his notes. Surprised, she asked him, "Yasin, are you actually studying? I thought you were all about PS, football, six packs, Harry Potter, and custard." Yasin chuckled wryly and replied, "Well, sometimes even I need to focus and get things done."

"Mama is sending her regards to you," she said, pouring herself a glass of water. She hoped for a reply from him, but he seemed preoccupied. Grabbing a fresh carrot from the counter, she washed it and began munching on it.

"You look good in red and black. By the way, the nan took the parrot out for a walk," he complimented, still not paying much attention to her. He gathered his books, burdening himself with them before heading to his room.

"Thanks," she replied, feeling unsure and strangely affected by his lack of engagement. He appeared downcast, as if he had been crying but was hiding his tears. Overwhelmed, she sat where he had been sitting and began sobbing. It was then that she noticed the reminder he had left on the counter. It was from his school, informing him about an upcoming interhouse sports event on the first of October, which coincided with Independence Day. She couldn't believe how quickly September had passed.

Yasin had always been obsessed with interhouse sports, especially football. He lived for it, and yet he was letting it pass this year without a word. He seemed depressed. Anxious, she reached for the home telephone and dialed Firdausi's number, hoping for her to pick up. After trying three times without success, she gave up and trudged upstairs.

My bad! She blamed herself. Her room was looking so fancy and attractive, it could be the handy work of the keeper. She plopped down on the edge of the bed and continued texting.

"Mama needs you." "Where are you?" "Okay, let's cut to the chase, she has a tumor."

She tried calling Mubarak a few times, but he didn't pick up. Frustrated, she tossed her phone aside and curled up under the duvet like a ball. She knew he was probably in his training session.

Usman has been really busy lately. They've been dealing with some foreign investors who are interested in Nagogo's Investment. It's the family company and Ali has been working closely with him. It's nice to see how their partnership has made them appreciate their brotherhood and argue less.


Paige finally sauntered back into the room, her presence filling the air with an infectious energy. Umar remained tucked away in his room, seemingly lost in his own world, while Firdausi stirred from her slumber, stretching her limbs like a contented cat. "Well, well, look who's returned!" Firdausi chimed, her voice laced with playful curiosity. "Welcome back!"

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