Prison Break Part 1

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Anakin's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I give Obi Wan one of my best 'please don't make me do this looks as I attempt to convey the craziness of his weird stupid plan into every word. He just gives me a very unamused look before cracking a smile. "Come on Anakin, you're the one who comes up with the crazy plans all the time." I turn towards him with a slightly panicked look, " well that's what worries me! This is probably your revenge plan isn't it?" His aggravating smile only widened at my increasing panic rate, oh he is soo getting revenge.

"Will you two stop bickering already?" Said Satine in a frantic whisper. "The guards are coming back! it's now or never!" Her tone was clearly laced with exasperation which set me off a little. Sometimes I barely realize she's there at all since she keeps her presence scarce unless she has a thought to contribute but other than that she's been uncharacteristically silent and sulky. As if she knew something bad was about to happen and wouldn't share it for fear of it materializing in front of her.

Whatever it was wasn't our main priority right now, even though Satine's remark is obnoxious she's still correct. If I'm really going to go through with Obi Wan strangely unhinged plan, it's now or never. Force help me, if I die I'm really gonna kill him. I turned towards him with a seriously skeptic expression, "Oh what the heck, we're probably gonna die anyway right?"

Obi Wan just gave me another aggravating grin. "Well, if it makes you feel better Anakin, we've done worse." I couldn't help but grin back and shrug my shoulders, "Eh, you're probably right. Ready old man?" "As ready as I will ever be." And with that we all shared a nod and Satine dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

We could hear the sound of metal boots clanking on durasteel plating as two Death Watch guards ran to our sell. "What's going on here?! Why is she on the ground?" One commanded as the other pointed his weapon at us from behind the cell wall. "She's seizing you genius" I replied in a deadpan. "She must be having an epilepsy from everything happening. You need to get her medical attention!" I tried to seep as much realistic worry into my voice so that the soldiers buy it. Obi Wan was doing his part too, as he was kneeling down next to her frantically checking her pulse and preforming standard epileptic protocol, which to be honest, is just checking for glazed eyeballs, dilated pupils, and any sign of injury until proper medical attention can be offered, but still he does that well enough.

The guards just scoffed, "We don't need to do anything, she should rot for everything she's done, let die for all I care." The were beginning to walk away when I played the last card I had, hoping it will work. "You might not care, but how would Maul like it if his most valuable prisoner dies before he can use her for his demonstration, he must have kept her alive for a reason, who will he punish for her death, huh?" That was completely untrue. I had no idea if Maul wanted her for a demonstration or a public execution or whatever, I didn't even know why he still kept her alive if his goal was to capture Obi Wan, which he is currently about to be less successful in, if this plan goes right. 

The Death Watch soldiers exchanged wary looks, contemplating their choices. They knew full well they definitely couldn't trust a Jedi, let alone one known for being especially elusive in situations such as these. But weighing their options, there was a chance the thought of invoking Maul's rage could cause just enough panic in them to keep the plan going.

The Death Watch soldiers started whispering in frantic chatter for a good minute before my patience ran thin. "Oh, by all means, let her die while you take your sweet time. The more you waste the more the choice is narrowed for you," I said with a fake smile at the end concluding my sarcastic tone. "Shut up, Jedi" said the first solider, attempting to sound threatening, but I could hear the faint tone of uncertainty lacing his voice. Going well so far.

As if to emphasize my point, Satine's chest suddenly hurtles upwards as her fake seizure intensifies as faint, yet audible moans of pain escape her lips. I can't help but admire her performance, even I started to believe in the charade just a bit before snapping myself back to reality. I never knew she had a knack for theatrics. It's impressive, though I'm definitely not telling her that. I don't know just why, but something about her is a bit eerie to me. I know it's nothing but a silly childish feeling, but she always appeared to be, I don't know, high? Untouchable?  Royal? Angelic in a way? All Duchessy in her palace as billions of people starve and suffer in a war she refuses to take part in. I suppose I resent her a bit for, well, being a victim of circumstance like the rest of us. But the difference is she has the power to change things while she sits around giving over emotional speeches about hope all the time.

Whatever it is, she's perfect for Obi Wan. I could see since the day he first mentioned her he was a goner, and I also knew he was oblivious to the comical extent of his feelings. Even now, when he's holding up the act of the field medic beside his other half, I can see the little sparkle in both their eyes as they are more than satisfied to be messing with the guards. Oh, Obi Wan, you old goat, how far you have fallen indeed. And he has the audacity to give me the 'attachments' speech if he spots me batting and eye towards Padme. Oh, the lousy hypocrite. As aggravating and exasperating and all the other really long fancy words that describe annoyance, that he is, I just can't help but give the faintest, most unnoticeable of smirks.

But now isn't the time for hyper analyzing Obi Wan's unfortunate love life, this plan is taking longer than I expected, these bone headed guards are having a very elongated, heated conversation, that in the case of a real seizure, would have surely cost them their patient by now. And we are sorely running out of time. I exchange a nervous glance with Obi Wan and Satine as we come to a silent agreement. Suddenly, all of Satine's movement stops as she feigns flat-lining, with wide eyes staring pointedly at the celling of the cell and a gaping mouth that shows clear lack of conscious muscle control. Obi Wan quickly starts some very convincing looking chest compressions.

That, finally gets them moving. Knowing if she dies now, Maul might go into such a fit of rage they might as well join her. The first guard takes out the keycard to open the cell door. Finally, dear Force, took them long enough. As he opens the door and enters, focus completely directed on our spectacular actress and entourage, I Force push the second guard so hard into the ledge behind him, you can tell he's out. I can hear the muffled scream of the first guard as Obi Wan takes care of him. Piece of cake, I can't help but think, and immediately regret it as the alarms go off. What the..

"They must have an activation chip if one loses consciousness to signal the others!" says Obi wan frantically as Satine gets up wearing a chocked and terrified expression, and all I can think of is, genius. Well it's true. I know I'm complementing the enemy, but really, these guys are impressive in their techniques, even when they are a little lacking in other areas. I face Obi Wan and attempt a nonchalant shrug, "That's what the crazy part of the plan's for." My smirk adds that ever needed layer of humor before a undoubtedly stupid and crazy endeavor, but it's trademark so I don't care. I could almost hear Snips's chuckle as she gives an equally aggravating remark and rex's heavy sigh as he braces himself for the inevitable. "Suit up." I finish as I unhook the middle and backplates of armor off of the Death Watch soldiers and secure them tightly, my lifeline being attached to them and all. Obi Wan does the same as the sound of metal footsteps greets our ears in what immediately follows blaster fire.

"Now, now, now!" I yell as Satine hooks herself, climbing onto Obi Wan's back, holding on for dear life as we crash headfirst into the glass of the prison building, free falling hundreds of meters to what is surely supposed to be our death. "Up up and away!" I shout in the air before activating my jet pack and kissing the prison building goodbye... Or so I thought before the pack malfunctions and I find myself, yet again, slamming into the sloped glass roof of the prison complex falling desperately to my death. Damn, I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

Another chapter? Already? I know I'm the best, I just felt like being nice to you guys every once in an while since I got no idea when's the next one coming out since school started and let me tell you, it isn't peachy. This is my longest chapter yet and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, even though there's this nagging feeling telling me it could be better but I tend to ignore it or I'm never uploading. As always Thank you sooooooooo much for reading, I can't believe we reached 2K reads!!! If you liked it consider voting, If you didn't like it, consider commenting and I'll do my best to cater to your desires. Oh and as a challenge, try to tell me in the comments how many times I said the word aggravating :) Until next time, peace!

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