Confrontation with the emperor

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Athena wakes up a while before she used to when she used to live here. Not being able to get out of her bed she rolls in it for a moment before sighing and getting up, stretching her hands above her head as she looks out of her balcony's glass door.

The door of her bed chambers are opened by her maids who bow while greeting her.

"Morning" Athena yawns while her maids chuckle at how adorable her voice gets in the morning.
She choses a simple light gray dress. Keeping her hair open and straight she headed for breakfast.
After eating a light breakfast of toast and tea with the ladies she was ready to have a headache- I mean she was ready to meet her brother after a while.

*Timeskip brought to you by me eating 85% dark chocolate while cringing*

Athena reaches the main palace getting out of the carriage.

She heads towards the tower where Laura, navier's lady in waiting was imprisoned for calling rashta a filthy wench.

"You, open the door and let out lady Laura at once" Athena commands the guard who had sunk down in a bow when he saw her
"My lady i dare not do that his highness will have my head" he tells Athena
"My brother will do no such thing. Thi will be under my order" she replies while the guard opens the door to let Laura out.
Laura noticing Athena courtesies while Athena commands her lady in waiting to help Laura up. She makes sure that Laura is alright and escorts her personally to the empress's chambers.

She heads towards her brother, whom she knows will be in his study.

"Her highness the princess Athena" announces baron lant at her arrival whole she rolls her eyes.

"Athena" her brother greets her without looking up from whatever paperwork he was doing. She kicks at his table making his quills and paper rest fall down. His head snaps towards his sister "what is the meaning of this!?" He asks her
"I could ask you the same. You took a concubine? A runaway slave as a concubine moreover? Don't joke with me sovieshu. And you imprisoned lady Laura for speaking up against her she's not even a concubine yet" she scoffs

"Who said anything about the runaway slave thing? She is no slave!" Her brother angrily exclaims "and as for the other thing I was just protecting her rashta's quiet lovely when you get to know her"

" Lovely? Oh for god's sake you out the empire on stake for a woman who's not even the empress.? You promised not to be like father" Athena has loved her father yea but ye father was a bad husband as much a good father.
"Watch your mouth lady Athena. I'm not only your brother but also the emperor" sovieshu snaps
"Watch you back . I am the reason you're where you are. I gave you power and i know how to take it back" Athena snaps back. "I can't deal with you today" Athena sighs before walking out ignoring her brother's calls.

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