first meet with the concubine (2)

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"Oh and why is that? Is it perhaps-" Athena's cut off by the arrival of her brother, the emperor, Sovieshu who looks from Rashta who has a teary expression to Athena who's looking at Rashta paying him none of her attention.

"Athena what are you doing ?" He asks heatedly, obviously ready to fight his sister for his mistress.

" Oh nothing! I was just walking when your concubine approached me and tugged at my dress when I was about to leave. I believe it is your job to teach her manners is it not?it's not like she'll remain here for long sooner or later you're bound to find someone else" She smirked

"W-what?" Rashta says weakly

"Oh! Did my brother not tell you that the emperor is allowed to have more than one concubine, our father had a lot of them too "

"Athena! Stop talking nonsense" Sovieshu says, raising his voice slightly

Athena just scoffs "nonsense? It's the truth sooner or later you're going to lose interest in her"

"Athena stop it! you're being cruel. at least give her a chance"

" I'll be leaving first I'm tired" Athena ignores Sovieshu as she begins to walk off with her ladies hurrying behind her

She hears Rashta let out a sob as she walks.

"She's so mean! I just wanted to talk to my new sister" Rashta wails out.

Sovieshu just pats her back soothingly saying "there there, my sister like the empress a lot, she and Navier have been friends since they were children"

"Is what she said true? W-will you really lose interest in me?" Rashta asks still crying Sovieshu just stays silent before saying "no no she's just being cruel to you Rashta" and he then pats her head

'seems like we'll have to have her trained in the ways of nobles"


Athena sighs thinking 'ahhh. My day has been ruined'

"My lady! Is it true?"


"My lady, is it true that the prince of the western empire will be coming to the ball?" Lady Eliza asks, bouncing on her toes.

' Wahh heinrey is really famous isn't he?'

"That is for me to know and you to find out " Athena winks making eliza whine a little before getting slapped behind her head by Reyna who's more proper "Eliza manners"

Reyna is older than Eliza and Athena, Reyna was close to Athena's mother, she joined the palace staff at the mere age of 10 . Which was years before Athena was born.

"Let's go back to the palace now it'll get dark if we leave later" Athena says

"I'll alert the coachmen!" Eliza says while bouncing off

"My lady" Reyna sighs, she was totally not amused by the stunt her lady had pulled earlier.

"It was necessary, i don't want Navier to suffer the same way my mother did" Athena defends her actions.

"Fine but are you alright doing that?" Reyna asks

"The fun has just started it'll be long time till it ends " Athena states

Eliza comes up telling them that it'll take 2 minutes for the carriage to arrive.

The ride to the palace is silent. They reach the palace sometime before it gets dark and Athena heads to her room.

She sits at her table in her room with the weekly tabloid.

And then she hears a knock

"What are you doing here?" Athena says as she opens her windows


Idk how to give cliffhangers and all but yea ig.

and 2 updates in a day wow.

i forgot i had to write another chapter of my first story (this one is second)

Also have any of you listened to 'bite me' by enhypen?

Cuz im literally obsessed

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