First meet with the concubine

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I'll have to head back or should I just spend the day here?" Athena thought in her mind 'oh well' her ladies walk into the room while she turns her attention to them. "My lady! The whole palace is now gossiping how you and the emperor fought over the emperor's concubine,"
'Wow these staff don't know how to mind their own business do they?' Athena thought while sighing.
" Not even one day here and now the gossip has started again" she mutters.

" Reyna, Eliza, what do you think of rashta?" She asks her ladies
Reyna scoffs at the name while keeping down a tray of cookies. "I don't find her special, she's like the other commoners in the capital. I don't get what's so special about her!" She declares
" She has no class and to think she would want to be appointed during the new year's ceremony" Eliza continues
Athena shorts while taking a cookie from the tray " that's true" she finishes her tea before adding " but it seems that my brother is in love with her it's so disgusting"

Sensing her distress, her lady in waiting suggests for her to take a walk in the garden as being close to nature always seemed to calm Athena " sure then I also have to see how well my garden has been taken care of" Athena says.

They walk into the garden looking at the flower beds, 'Nature really is calming' she grins.

"Lady Rashta you mustn't " she hears someone call out.
A girl white whitish hair pops out of the bushes
"Hello I'm Rashta!" The girl cheered
Athena raises her eyebrows at the girl. She must be the concubine of her brother, Athena was a well known figure in public not only the Nobel's but also the public loved her.
" We greet her highness the crowned Princess Athena" the lady in waiting chants. While Rashta just stared at Athena as if expecting her to say something
"Hello Lady Rashta" she replies for it seemed rude not to and Athena didn't want rumors spreading about her this early in her return.
She turns to walk the other side but stops as she feels a tug at her sleeve.
Athena rolls her eyes and turns around "yes?"
"You're his highness's sister right?" She asked cheerily
' Why in the world is she so cheerful? Her voice is annoying it's giving me a headache'
"Yes I am the crowned Princess, I believe you are the new girl, my brother seems to have interest in, tell me lady Rashta is it? Do you know how to greet a person of higher rank?" Athena questions with a fake smile.
She watches in amusement as Rashta's smile drops.
" You don't tug or hold any of the Nobel's or anyone for what matters clothes lady Rashta. It's disrespectful" Athena continues.
One of Rashta's lady in waiting rushes in front of Athena to bow and apologize for her mistress as she doesn't know the ways of nobility yet

Oh well you look at who is back from the dead? Yes it me hi!

I'm sorry for not updating for so long I don't hink anyone is reading this anymore tbh.
Damn tho this story's so silent like so very silent don't you think?

Ik the chapters was short but I'm writing it more rn im gonna try updating this story again by tomorrow or maybe in an hour or so

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