Dress choosing for the ball

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She gets up again earlier than her usual timings, sighing as she looks at the sun rising slowly in the sky, she stands up from her bed walking towards the balcony, overlooking the peaceful palace, where several maids are up and about, doing the laundry. 

She hums to herself as she walks back into her extravagant bed chambers, she slowly opens the door into her office where she is met by a small stack of paperwork and letters, most of them being from ladies from Nobel houses asking her to join them for a small tea party or such, she flips through them mindlessly but then one letter in particular grabs her attention, a letter from lord koisar, navier's brother, her ex fiance, her close friend, she separates it from the pike opening it carefully, 

Dear lady Athena,

I'm writing this letter in anger, not on you of course but on your brother, the emperor, nyt brother in law. 

How dare he bring in a concubine while he had my sister as a wife? My lovely sister must be heartbroken, I request of you to keep her company and comfort her if you haven't already, though this might come off as rude. 

I'll be back in the kingdom after a few months, I will kill your brother if he harms my sister further, I know you will try to stop me from getting into trouble, I've heard of his filthy wench, I've heard you've met her already and that you aren't very pleased with her, I hope you are doing well.

Your dear friend 


She smiles looking at the threat koisar had written for her brother, she snaps her fingers twice as a paper and quill appear on the desk out of thin air, she sits down to write,

Dearest koisar 

I hope you are doing well, what you heard is true, I am quite revolted by that to-be-concubine of my brother.

I met her just a few days earlier, she looks like a white dog. Worry not, I plan to visit your sister soon, and comfort her of course I will, you need not tell me that, also keep a calm head while you come back koisar, sovieshu is quite infatuated with that girl, he was ready to fight me for just talking back to her.

 You are right I'll try to stop you from getting into trouble but it's for a good reason, I'd rather Navier not get lonely without you. I hope to see soon 

Yours truly 

Athena V. 

She scribbled onto the sheet of paper, sealing it into an envelope after she finished writing. She kept it into her drawer, closing it and shifting her attention towards the small stack of paper she had.

"Hmmmm what is that" she muttered looking through the sheet of paper which turns out to be the finalized guest list for the new year ball, she looks through it, looking amused at the fact that the emperor's concubine was nowhere mentioned in the list, she smiles, her eyes full of mischief, "well this is going to be interesting" she smirks, then gets startled by a knock on the door, she quickly glances at the clock and tells the person to enter.

"Good morning lady Athena" the maid bows. 

"Ah...good morning," Athena replied, looking at the maid.

"Forgive me for saying this my lady but, your lady in waiting has been trying to find you for about half an hour now" the maid says timidly.

"I see, thank you for telling me" Athena says, giving the maid a warm smile. She gets up from her seat behind the desk picking up the letters and papers, stuffing them into their respective drawers as neatly as she could in a hurry, she exits the office, finding her lady in waiting looking revealed at the sight of her.

"My lady. We just received the word that the royal seamstress will be visiting today, we must get you a dress fitting the new trends this year," lady Reyna says, 

"Alright, Reyna, do you have any dress ideas for me?I would like to have an inspiration for when I tell the seamstress what kind of dress I want" Athena asks her lady in waiting, Reyna just shakes her head "maybe the others can help you choose my lady" she says and then excuses herself to get the bath water running.

--timeskip-- the seamstress--

The seamstress looks in awe of the girl in front of her as she looks through the book of different types of dresses, "my lady, all the dresses would look absolutely stunning on you," she gushes over her, while Athena just laughs awkwardly, "which dress do you think would you choose for me seamstress?" She asks, the seamstress thinks for a moment but then replies with a "my lady how about I show you a gown I was thinking of making" then she took the book of dress designs gently out of Athena's hands and handed her a sheet with a long gown with detached long sleeves, (I'll put the dress in the conversations if you want to see what it looks like or you could give me more dress ideas ) 

Athena looked at the drawing looking mesmerized "this dress looks so elegant" she said after a moment. She shows it to her ladies in waiting, they nodded along sayng that this dress was a must for Athena to get.

The seamstress went back happily knowing that her dress was going to be looking gorgeous on Athena and that she was going to get famous afterwards.



So I wrote this chapter with my phone glitching a lot, it was very hard tbh, but I did it so yayyy, I think my phone has water in it now, and I can't have it repaired, cuz I'm pretty much broke. My parents aren't getting me a new phone rn either (I'm a minor so I can't get a phone on my own yet) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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