Prologue: Darkness

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It was all the human eye could see. No matter where one looked it would follow as if it was infinite. No beginning nor end. If a person had to describe such a place then it would without a doubt be Null or Abyss.

As one stared into the abyss, a sense of unease would start to creep up on them. The darkness seemed to be alive, pulsing with malevolent energy that seemed to be reaching out to grab at the very essence of their being. The air was cold and clammy, almost suffocating, as if there was no oxygen to breathe.

There were no sounds, no movement, no signs of life. It was as if time had stood still, frozen in an eternal moment of emptiness. The darkness was so complete that it was impossible to see one's own hand in front of their face. Even if one were to scream at the top of their lungs, their voice would be swallowed up by the void, leaving them with only their thoughts as their company.

As one continued to gaze into the abyss, one might start to feel a sense of vertigo or disorientation, as if one were falling through an endless void. It was a sensation that could only be described as a deep, existential dread as if one were being consumed by the darkness itself.

It was a place where all hope seems lost, where the only thing left was the endless expanse of nothingness. A place where one's mind could easily wander, trapped in an eternal loop of despair and hopelessness. It was a place where even the bravest of souls would falter, and only the strongest would be able to hold on to their sanity.

In the end, the abyss was a place of darkness, a place where nothing could thrive, and where only the void reigned supreme. It was a reminder of the infinite power of emptiness and the fragility of life in the face of nothingness.

But despite all this, there floating in the abyss was a soul.

The soul had been floating in the abyss for what seemed like an eternity. At first, there was a sense of panic, confusion, and denial about what had happened. But as time passed, the soul began to accept the reality of their situation. They had died, and this was their afterlife.

To pass the time, the soul began to recall all their memories of manga and anime. They remembered the stories, the characters, and the worlds they had been immersed in. It was a welcome distraction from the emptiness that surrounded them.

As the years passed, the soul's memories began to blend together, creating a new world in their mind. A world where he lived his life to the fullest, free from everything that shackled him down in his past life.

But something began to change within the soul. As he spent more and more time in the abyss, his essence began to shift. The pure white light that had once defined them began to fade, replaced by a swirling mixture of purple and black. It was as if the darkness was seeping into their very being, transforming them from the inside out.











Months had passed since the soul had begun its descent into the abyss, its essence slowly transforming into a darker, more ominous energy. As time went on, the once-pure light became a distant memory, replaced by a swirling, chaotic mixture of purple and black.

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