Shattered In Darkness [1]

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The piercing scream of Reiji tore through the air, a primal cry of anguish that echoed with a haunting intensity. It carried the weight of unbearable pain and desperation, a sound that would send a chill down the spines of all who were unfortunate enough to hear it.

Crushed beneath the massive debris of the collapsed bridge, his body lay in a state of utter devastation. Every fiber of his being screamed in torment, his once strong and capable form reduced to a broken and mangled shell.

His limbs, once agile and responsive, now lay motionless and twisted, contorted by the unforgiving weight that bore down upon them. The excruciating pressure pressed against his battered frame, each breath a labored gasp as his lungs fought against the crushing force of the debris.

The jagged edges of metal and concrete bit into his flesh, leaving deep lacerations that oozed crimson rivulets of blood, staining his torn clothing and melding with the dust and dirt that clung to his wounded body.

Reiji's least dominant arm, a mere remnant of its former strength, spasmed and flailed in a futile attempt to free itself from the relentless grip of the wreckage. But the injuries were too severe, the pain too consuming.

His feeble movements served only to further aggravate his shattered bones and torn muscles, eliciting new waves of agony that coursed through his entire being. Time seemed to slow as Reiji lay trapped, suspended between the realms of life and death.

The relentless torment gnawed at his consciousness, twisting his thoughts and distorting his perception. Every passing second felt like an eternity, the weight of his suffering becoming an oppressive burden that threatened to crush his spirit as mercilessly as the debris had crushed his body.

As a consequence of the significant loss of blood and the complete depletion of his mana, compounded by the relentless inner turmoil plaguing him and the relentless assault on his weary body, he swiftly succumbed to unconsciousness.











The steady rhythm of dripping water resonated in the claustrophobic space, its chilling touch splattering across Reiji's visage and infiltrating his dry mouth. Gradually, his eyelids fluttered open, unveiling the dimly illuminated environment.

Wincing with discomfort, he struggled to elevate his body, grimacing at the weight of the rubble pressing upon him only to be greeted by a searing pain coursing through his limbs. Every movement felt like shards of glass tearing into his flesh.

As his weary gaze adjusted to the dimly lit space, he was reminded that his body was buried under a mound of debris, trapped and imprisoned in this forsaken place. Looking down at his body, Reiji's eyes widened in disbelief.

The wounds that had marred his body mere moments ago now faded into nothing more than faint scars. Yet, an excruciating pain surged through every inch of his body, contorting his once-composed features into a visage of anguished grimace.

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