Dark Lord [3]

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As Reiji's commanding voice reverberated through the blood-stained air, a profound silence fell upon the battlefield. The fallen Claw Bear, its once-mighty form marred by wounds and destruction, lay motionless amidst the scene of carnage.

In that fleeting moment, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. The air crackled with arcane energy, like a gathering storm on the horizon. Shadows, thick and all-encompassing, slithered and coiled around the bear's lifeless body, embracing it with an ethereal touch.

The very essence of darkness seemed to respond to Reiji's command, lending its power to the transformation about to unfold. A surge of pulsating darkness coursed through the creature's veins, breathing new life into its battered form.

The once-hulking bear began to change, undergoing a metamorphosis that defied the boundaries of nature. Its massive physique retained its imposing strength, but now it bore the unmistakable mark of the shadows.

The elongated forelimbs, reminiscent of a bear's strength, crackled with supernatural power. Digits, once ordinary in size, stretched into elongated appendages, each adorned with razor-sharp claws that measured over thirty centimeters in length.

Gleaming obsidian talons glinted with a malevolent shimmer, yearning to rend flesh and bone with unmatched precision. A strange luminescence, like a whispered secret from the void, emanated from the creature's transformed fur.

The once-muted coat now shimmered with an iridescent obsidian sheen, as if it were a living embodiment of the night sky itself. Ethereal hues of amethyst danced along its surface, casting a mesmerizing glow that pulsed with an otherworldly radiance.

The bear's eyes, once filled with untamed ferocity, blazed with a penetrating amethyst light. The vibrant radiance, a reflection of the mystical forces that surged through its being, seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality.

They held wisdom beyond the mundane, a deep connection to the secrets of the shadows. With a grace that defied its monstrous nature, the formidable Claw Bear, reborn as a Shadow Soldier, bowed before Reiji. Its towering figure knelt, a gesture denoting unwavering loyalty and utmost reverence.

[Normal Grade: Claw Bear; Lv: 3]

A wide grin of satisfaction spread across Reiji's face, and he released a sigh of relief that echoed through the eerie silence. "It would have been truly embarrassing if this skill had failed," he admitted to himself, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and self-assurance.

"Shadow Extraction." It was a skill that Reiji had acquired during his recent level-up, a result of fusing his proficiency in Necromancy with his mastery of Shadow Manipulation.

This newly developed skill allowed Reiji to summon what he referred to as Shadow Soldiers, entities crafted from the merging of darkness and death. Yet, like any skill, it had its share of strengths and weaknesses, owing to its intricate and distinctive nature.

The power of Shadow Extraction bestowed upon Reiji the ability to resurrect deceased beings as formidable shadow soldiers. Activation of this skill required the utterance of a specific keyword and remarkably, it did not consume any mana, allowing for its usage without restraint.

Moreover, the range of its application was expansive, permitting the extraction of numerous shadows simultaneously, thereby enabling the formation of a substantial shadow army under the user's command.

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