Chapter 1: After Hours

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"Hey Reg, do you mind locking up tonight? I've gotta get home to watch the new episode of 'How I Met your Mother'." Your boss, and owner of the 1,000 square foot, used book shop and coffee joint you work at, asked with a tone of excitement for her favorite show's current episode.

"No, not at all Sharon! See you tomorrow." You responded, while rinsing out a ceramic mug that had just been used by what you suspected to be your last customer of the night.

She thanked you and told you to get home safe like the mother figure she is.

All that's left to do is organize the small kitchen area, and you were clocking out for the night!

You heard the door chime, signaling that someone had just walked through the door. 'Strange', you thought to yourself, 'I could've sworn I flipped the sign to say CLOSED'.

"I'll be with you in a minute, sir!" You somewhat shouted from behind the counter to the tall man standing near the shelves piled with endless books.

"Take your time!" He chirped back. You immediately detected a think accent; Finland.

You wiped your hand on your apron, and shyly pushed your over-sized glasses farther up on your nose.

"What can I get for you tonight?" You asked the blonde haired man who was now mesmerized by the authentic wooden shelves that encased the books.

"Just looking at some books here. I'll take some chocolate chip cookies if you haven't put everything away. I didn't realized you were closing up until after I walked in." He said slightly embarrassed he kept you waiting.

"I actually just put away all my ingredients, but another batch of cookies never hurt anyone, right?" You said, as he let out a hardy chuckle, his 5"11 and athletic body towering over your 5"3 petite frame. You pushed a stray hair from your long, brown, wavy locks, and blushed as he studied your features.

"I'll be right back. Make yourself feel comfortable." You said sweetly as he took a seat on the homey feeling couch.

You headed back for the kitchen to make some cookies, and when you finally put them in the oven, you joined the Fin on the couch and struck up a conversation.

"Teuvo" he said, smiling genuinely at me.

"I'm Regan" you responded back gently. Soon enough, your passion took over and you blurted out quickly, "I couldn't help but notice your accent, but what part of Finland are you from?" You asked hoping he didn't find you creepy.

"I come from Helsinki." He said as he smiled at you.


"... And that is why you should never tell my teammates when your birthday is!" He finished while the two of you were trying to catch some air, doubled over laughing from the story he had just told.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot about our cookies!!!" You practically screamed as you ran over to the smoking oven. "I am so sorry Teuvo!"

"Hey, it's okay." He reassured as you sat back down after tossing the rock hard, burnt cookies in the trash can.

"11:15 already? Wow!" You said, causing Teuvo to be startled for he was too busy day-dreaming and thinking.

"Do you mind if I walk you home?" He pleaded "I want to make sure you are safe."

"Of course." You blushed and smiled at his gentleman like behavior.

You hung your apron, grabbed your bag, and locked up the store front, embracing the crisp, September breeze in ChiTown.

Teuvo walked you all the way home, and by this time, you were exhausted. You invited him up to your apartment, as a way to say sorry for burning his cookies at the shop earlier.

As your keys jingled in the doorknob to your small, not-so-fancy, four floor walk up you were currently living in, you could hear Duke, your 4 month old male, German Shepard going bonkers at the thought of you being home.

Before you had time to warn Teuvo about him, he jumped on him and attacked him with kisses. Teuvo bent down and started scratching behind his ears.

You welcomed Teuvo into your small apartment as you kicked off your boots.

Teuvo and you finally parted ways at about 2 am after you had accidentally fallen asleep on him while watching some reality show.

"I had a great time with you tonight, and you seem like an amazing and beautiful girl I would love to get to know even more." He gushed as you said your good byes.

You returned his kind gesture and he gave you a reassuring hug before he left.

Once the door was closed, you had the biggest smile plastered on your face as you slid down the front door to your apartment. You felt like a giddy teenager but there was something different about this one...

Coffee Shop Encounters// Teuvo Teräväinen FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now