Chapter 14: Housewarming Gift

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After a few weeks of apartment hunting with Teuvo, you two finally settled on the perfect, two bedroom apartment in the South Loop area. (PS. i'm not from chicago so i don't know if this is like a good neighborhood or where its located lol)

It was close enough to your job and the location was great. All that was left was packing up both of your current apartments, and some how cramming it all into one.


"Babe?!" Teuvo shouted from the moving van you rented, "I can't find my sunglasses!"

You swiftly waltzed past him, carrying a box full of picture frames, poking him in the stomach saying, "They're on your head Sherlock!"

You finally out the last of the boxes in the trunk, shutting the retractable back door.

"Did I tell you that you look extra stunning today?" Teuvo said, as you hopped in the van.

You glanced down at your outfit. You were wearing a baseball hat, a loose fitting t-shirt, long leggings and sneakers.

"I look like white trash." You responded, motioning to your getup as Teuvo pulled away.

"Would you care for a snack? This road trip should take a while." You finally spoke up, smirking.

Your new apartment was only about 20 blocks away from your other one, and it would take less than 5 minutes to get there.


Unloading the truck was the hardest thing, but a few of Teuvo's teammates helped with the larger furnisher items.

You were finally all settled in at around 5:00 pm since you got an early start to the process. Teuvo was in the shower, as you attempted to start loading up the cupboards with utensils, and possibly whip up something for dinner.

After you and your boyfriend enjoyed a gourmet meal that consisted of Ramen Noodles and flat soda, he quickly got up, saying he had to go somewhere.

"I'll be back in 30 minutes, Regan. Love you." He mumbled kissing your cheek and heading out the door suspiciously.



It was now 8:30, and you were snuggled into your new king sized bed with your laptop watching House of Cards, munching on some animal crackers when you head a lot of noise from the foyer.

Teuvo had gotten home about 5 minutes ago, you knew because you heard the door unlock and a man muttering in Finnish.

"Hey T! What are you doing in there? Do you need any help?" You yelled from your bedroom, pausing your Netflix show. Maybe he just went grocery shopping, you thought to yourself.

"Kyllä!!" He responded, wanting you to come into where he was.

When you walked into the kitchen you saw Teuvo sitting on the floor by the front door, with a little puppy sitting on his lap calmly.

Once your German Shepherd had to be put down a few months ago due to medical reasons, you were really heart broken and in want of another dog, you just couldn't bring yourself to get one.

"She's a German Shepherd/Husky mix. What do you think?" He asked looking up at you in your pajamas, sitting crisscross with the puppy in his lap.

You answered by walking over and picking her up, as she snuggled into your chest kissing all over your face and neck.

"What should we name her?" Teuvo asked, interrupting your admiration of the mutt in front of you.

"I like the name Nala." You said truthfully.

"Isn't that name from the kids movie about Lions?" He asked, trying to remember the popular American story.

"Yes! And I think it fits her perfectly." You replied, your voice laced with confidence.

"Welcome to our new home, Nala." Teuvo said before picking up her bag of dog food, her food and water bowls, her toys, and of course her bed that would lay on the floor right next to yours.

Coffee Shop Encounters// Teuvo Teräväinen FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now