Chapter 3: I think I love you

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After that night, you and Teuvo became really close. It was like skinny love. Both of you had strong feelings for one another, but too afraid to admit it.

October has come, and the season is approaching us. The question is whether they will call up Teuvo for the start of the season, or let him be in Rockford. They decided on calling him up, for he is a very reliable offensive player with outstanding abilities to make plays.

Today you two would be going to the gym. Teuvo explained he needed some more upper body strength, because he needs to hit better and be more confident on his forecheck.

You had just woke up, Duke right up underneath your arm. You looked at the clock and began to panic because you slept in late for work! Then you remembered, you have off today.

Reaching over for your phone, you open it up and see a message from Teuvo.

"Goooooood Morning!! ☀️ Can't wait for our gym day! I'll come by at around 10:30, yeah?"

You looked at the time and saw it was only 9:15.

"Good morning to you too!! Perfect. See you soon. :)"

You got up and slipped on your moccasins and one of T's hoodies you may have stolen from him. You grabbed Duke's leash and headed out for a walk.

After your walk you made yourself some breakfast and turned on the TV. NHL Network was on, and they were talking about the Hawks this upcoming season! Teuvo was featured and they chatted about his way with the puck. You couldn't help but smile when his post training camp interview appeared on the screen. He was obviously out of breath and his accent was extremely thick. How adorable! :)

After getting on your workout leggings, a cute shirt, and your Nike Free-Runs, you were all set!

Shortly after, T came to get you and you walked hand in hand to the gym, not far from where you live.

Let's just say that working out with someone as humorous and cute as Teuvo was very difficult but lots of fun.

Afterwords you two stopped off to eat lunch at some Italian place that you both were waaaaayyy under dressed for, but who cares. You got weird looks as you both walked in sweaty, and laughing about God-knows what, but you felt so at home with T. Like you could be completely yourself and he loved you for that.

Once you got back home, he told you he wanted to take you to dinner. Nothing fancy. Neither of you lived that kind of lifestyle. He said he would pick you up at 6:00 leaving you 2 hours before he would get you. Before getting ready, you cleaned up your house a bit, read, studied, and played with Duke.

You hopped in the shower and when you got out, just let your hair air dry. It looked better that way. You applied minimum makeup. Brushed up your eyebrows a bit, but on some tinted face lotion, and a bit of mascara. Not a lot. You were finally confident in how you looked and plus, makeup was way too time consuming and Teuvo loved the way you looked naturally. You slipped on a pair of white jeans with some cute boots and an oversized sweater and a cute scarf. The apartment buzzed signaling he was here to pick you up.

After locking up, you ran down the flight of stairs like a teenage girl ready for her very first date. He smiled when he saw you and you returned the favor.

"Well, you clean up nicely." He stated taking in the smell of your clean clothes, clean hair, and perfume.

"Right back at ya Teräväinen"

"The restaurant is just outside the city, so I hope you don't mind the drive." He said, walking over to his car and opening the door for you before hopping into the drivers seat.

Coffee Shop Encounters// Teuvo Teräväinen FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now