🌅¡¿Who is she?!🌄

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"Tommy you having fun!" I yell out to him "Wilbur come in more!! It's deep over here!" Tommy yelled back to me "Alright mate!" I yell back, I then walk deeper into the water felling the sand in between my toes step, after step, I finally made it over to were Tommy was and saw him go under water with goggles on I smile at this and put my goggles on as well and go under water with him, we swam under water for a bit and came up to breathe every now and then, I then saw something shiny and swam over to it I picked it up from the sand, It glistened in the light that was shining down on the water, I then realized it was a scale that I picked up I was amazed by how shiny it was, I then see another one I pick up that one too they were so beautiful and smooth I then see something in front of me just swimming, but they didn't notice me. But then it saw me and panicked and hid behind some seaweed I go up for air and then go back down and swim over to the creature and gently poke them and held my hands out with the two scales in them, the creature slowly poked there head out of the seaweed and slowly put there hand out and softly grabbed the scales, I gasp then lost all the air in my lungs and gasp under water and tried to swim back up to the surface for air........ but the everything went black.......

The second he gasped for air under water, he sunk to the bottom of the lake, I panicked and swam over to him and picked him up off the sand and swam back to the lake shore, a saw a blond man who was drying of with his towel he then turned over my way and saw the man I was carrying on to shore. the blond man panicked "WILL!?!" he yelled out and helped me get the man onto shore "Is he ok!?!?!" the blonde man asked me "I didn't know!?!" I said to him
"Can you do cpr!?!" He ask out loud, I panicked
"Yes!!" I yelled back and started to do chest compressions, and then mouth to mouth, I continue to do this for a bit and then, he gained consciousness! "WILL!!!" The blonde man yelled with teary eyes......

For waht felt like hours being unconscious, I finally get my conscience back *chough chough* I coughed up water and a bit of blood out of my mouth, I was gasping for air a bit., I felt a hand on my wet shoulder "Hey, look at me., focus." a woman said to me and, I look over to her and look at her "are you!?!" I paused she just sat beside me "Will!! Your alive!" Tommy yelled to me, the woman picked up a towel and wrapped it around me "Thank-" *'WOOOW SHE HAS A BIG CHEST HOLY FUCK'* I said to myself in my head, my face was turning red form embarrassment I take my towel of and covered her chest with it, pretty much just giving the towel to her, I looked away because my face was still pretty red, Tommy saw everything but didn't say a word, "Thank you." I said to the hot woman and stand up, she nods "No problem." she said and stood up and stared to walk away, up the same way Me and Tommy's camping spot was "oOoOo, Wilbur has a crush!~" Tommy sang out and made fun of me "Shut up, no I don't!" I said a bit pissed of at him and ran after him and chased him back up to the campsite.

words 639

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