🫂🛏Good night kiss?😚😴

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"Opal, Koi is coming home with us!" Wilbur said with a smile, I looked over at Wilbur "...WHAT!?!..." I yelled, "Someone else is here," she said, she then froze for a minute "................." a long silence "Sorry what happened?" she asked "Opal?" I ask, Koi looked at me like that was her name "y- ya?" She replied "Koi!, sorry." I said "It's alright let's just get the car started and attach your camper to it." Wilbur smile and walked over to her and picked her up bridal-style and put her in the back seat "Tommy, do you what to sit in the front?, or in the back with Koi?" Wilbur asked me "In the back with Koi!" I said happily "Ok we'll go get changed because, your still in your swim shorts." Wilbur said and handed me a pair of clothes "Thank you." I said and walked off to the washrooms, I walked into one of the washroom stalls and got dressed. I came back out and saw a big camper attached to Wilbur's car "Woow!" I said and ran up to the car and hopped into the back seat with Koi, Koi looked a little tired so I passed her a blanket and a pillow that was beside me, she was slowly starting to close her eyes. so I placed the pillow on my side and put the blanket over her, my arm was resting on her back. and so I let her sleep............

I started the car and put my foot down on the pedal and drove, I looked at the back round mirror and saw Koi was asleep on Tommy, I smile "Tommy if you need anything to eat or drink, the cooler is beside you on the left side." I said to him just in case he would need something soon., we finally leave the camping ground and back on the road once more......

<•1 hour later•>

Tommy and Koi have been asleep for half the ride, I smile to myself and keep my eyes on the road as I listened to the radio I heard someone moving around in the back "Good morning sleepy head" I said "Morning Wilbur~" Koi said with a yawn, fuck her voice was hot when she woke up 😳 "Tommy still asleep?" I ask "Ya." she said, I smile "You look like you need a drink, the cooler is beside Tommy."
I said and watch as she moves her head and back to me "How did you know?" she giggled "Well?, I'm smart~" I wink at her and look back at the road
"I love you guys!" she giggled softly and happily "Anyways, drinks in the cooler if you need one." I said "Thanks." Koi replied "No problem!" I smile.....

<•1 hour later•>

We make it back and drive up to the house that Wilbur was talking about. "woow." I whispered the house was beautiful and well made, I shook Tommy's arm to wake him up "We're here Tommy." I said softly, I unbuckle his seatbelt "mom 10hen.... 10 more minutes...." Tommy mumbled and slumped forwards and wrapped his arms around me and went back to sleep with his head on my shoulder "Tommy get up. we're here at are new house." Wilbur said and opened the car door to help me out, Tommy moves a bit and sits up. "Come on Tommy, I need to carry Koi inside., now get off." Wilbur said and bonk'd Tommy's head "Owww" Tommy whined, Tommy moved and got out of the car and closed the door behind himself, "Ok, now that he's out., ready to be picked up?" Wilbur asked "Ya." I said and slightly moved closer to him. I felt his arms going under me and pick me up, he carried me up the stairs and onto the porch "Thank you Wilbur." I said "No problem, now we just have to get inside." Wilbur said with a slight sigh, I smile and nod "Here I will open the door, since your carrying me!" I said "sure!" Wilbur replied......

Koi opened the front door for me and I walk inside,
I placed her on the island counter in the kitchen, meanwhile Tommy was exploring the house like a lost child would in forest "Ah-choo!" Koi sneezed softly "Bless you." I giggle "Thank you" Koi smiled and wiped her nose with a clean-axe..,

a few hours ago by and me and Tommy had the bed's up and ready to sleep in but the thing is, we only have two bed's.... I walk back into the kitchen look at Koi "Soo,... bad news." I said, Koi turned her head and looked over to me "Oh?, what is it?" she asked me, I looked down at my hands "We only have two,.... Bed's...." I said slightly blushing "Oh?, well, that's ok! we can figure it out when we need to go to sleep. ok?" she smiled shyly, I look back up at her. "Oh!, um alright!" I smile.......

I was in my new room and sat up my streaming stuff, my computer, my keyboard, my new PC set, and more. I looked over to my floor and saw a huge spider "AAAGGHHHH!!!" I screamed and ran out of my room "THEIRS A SPIDER IN MY ROOM!!!! GET IT OUT!!" I yelled "TOMMY SUSH!!" Wilbur said "Tommy help me to the bed room, so the I can let the sweet spider out of your room." Koi said to me "But it's huge!, like really really big!!" I said "Just sow me." She replied, I helped her to my bed room and saw it on the ground, her eyes widened "Awww, so sweet." she smiled softly "WHAT!?! SWEET!? it's huge!!" I slightly yelled "Let me crawl over to it." she replied, I slowly put her down and let her crawl over to the spider "What kind of spider is it?" I ask "It's a Theraphosa blondi tarantula, their name means "Goliath birdeater.", and this one seems to be a female." She said as she finally made it over to the tarantula, "Why is it so big?" I ask now slowly getting on my bed to get off the floor "Because this species is the biggest tarantula out of them all." She slowly moved her hands towards it and picked it up, It sprinted up her arm and and onto her shoulder "Ee!" I screeched, "How are you not scared of it!?" I ask, Wilbur walked in "What are you guys yelling abo- AHHHHH!!" Wilbur yelled and jumped back "KILL IT!!! WHY IS IT SO BIG!?!" He yelled "That's what she said." I joked "NOT THE TIME TOMMY!!" Wilbur said, tariffed of the spider "I will order a tank on Amazon." Koi said and grabbed her phone out of her pocket slowly. a few minutes go by and she finally found a tank "Ok I bought a nice tank for this lovely lady, and it should be here in 1 hour." She smiled "I'm going to name her?, Oreo!" Koi said with the most proudest smile "Time wise, I'm goin' have to stay up tonight." Koi said "Why?" I ask "Well?, because I need to keep an eye on Oreo, because I don't think the past owners who lived here checked if she was still in her tank." Koi replied to my question. "Ok, I will stay up with you to help you stay awake." I said now happy to stay up tonight in the new house. "Koi can I talk to you for a second?" Wilbur asked "Sure!" She replied, so I left the room........

I walked up to her and looked at her "Can I?-....." I paused "Never mind!" I said and watched the tarantula crawl onto her chest "mmm.." I mumbled in the most disgusted voice towards the tarantula "Can you?," She asked ".......kiss you...." I whispered "pardon?" She replied "can I kiss you good night!" I panicked and blushed hard "Oh!, like a small kiss good night?" She ask "Y- ya" I rub my neck "Since you asked, I guess you can" She said softly and blushed a little, I quickly leaned closer to her and kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door still blushing, I ran into my new room and shut the door behind myself, my heartbeat was rapid, I then walked over and into my bed and went to sleep. Tommy and Koi?, well Tommy was streaming in his room with Koi and the tarantula Oreo..... and so, I went to sleep....... until dawn arises for a new day to begin......

words 1442

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