Chapter 7 Ears bleeds and Exploding Cauldron

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Chapter 7

Ear bleeds and Exploding Cauldron

Charles made his way down to the central hall where other students loitering about the fountain and elsewhere in the large open hall, some leaning on the banisters or against walls while many stood in groups or even sat around the fountain almost just like the first time he saw is a few days ago.

Though this time as he made his way through the hall as quickly as he could to avoid any groups that called after him, wanting to fawn over him or talk his ear off with not-so-subtle flirting. He didn't want to be late to class....or a chance to talk to both boys, maybe Anne would be in this class too? He kind of hoped so to kill two birds or three birds in this case with one stone.

Making his way to the forest green large door with roots coming from everywhere beyond its frame, Charles finally made it to the door that would lead him to his herbology class. Opening the door he spotted a few others making their way to the greenhouse too quickly to fall behind the last student, Charles could already feel the muggy heat of the greenhouse.

And there with a woven basket in her hands handing out balls of cotton to every student for that day's class was Professor Garlick, the youngest of the professors in the school. Her love for plants outweighed almost everything else, but the safety and well-being of her students.

And also there in line to get the balls of white fluff were Sebastian and Anne, Ominis was already at a potting table waiting for his two best friends while listening to every sound and voice for Charles, the three didn't see him at breakfast, and were worried he was now going to ghost them for the rest of the year or time at Hogwarts.

Charles sighed but smiled he just had to keep them away from him outside of the safety of the school walls, while inside the school grounds, he could be with them...he would not let that perv know he was close to them or at least beginning to be close to them, he didn't want anyone to know his growing affection for the blind boy.

Garlick pointed the twins to take their places across from where Ominis was and the empty potting station, Charles was right behind the Hufflepuff girl when the twins spotted him, he looked at them and gave a sad apologetic guilty smile and wave. Anne and Sebastian sighed in relief which caught Ominis's attention "Is he here? Where is he you two?"

Anne chuckled at the eager tone Ominis had, while Sebastian rolled his eyes but bite the inside of his lip at this "He just walked in behind Lenora. He gave us a sad guilty look and waved at us. He also looked your way too." Anne giggled she was still disappointed that she like many other girls would never have a chance with Charles since he announced in DADA that he liked boys and not girls.

Ominis sighed in relief at what he heard, at least he didn't hate them...or more he was happy Charles didn't hate him for what he said. After Lenora walked to her spot with a squash-like plant for her aunt and the cotton balls, Charles made his way to the professor while waiting Charles had taken off his jacket and vest draping them over his arm with still one arm free to take the cotton balls.

"Oh hello there." Even Professor Garlick who loved plants more than people often couldn't help checking her new and extremely handsome student out, "Class, welcome the newest rose to our garden. We look forward to growing together."

She waved Charles to the only open spot next to Ominis as she started the class, "How thrilling it is to have everyone back together again! This year will be filled with enchantment and excitement, but what we thrive to calaverite here is knowledge."

Garlick started walking pulling out something from her pocket of her rode as she made her way to the front of the room where the podium was located, "The prudent herbologist is no more afraid of the Veniomus Tentacula than of the Bouncing Bulb." Placing the basket down Professor Garlick pulled out her wand and waved it making potted plants placed in front of each of them with a larger pot next to it.

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