Chapter 11 Courting and Grave Robbing

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Charles finally throws his fears to the wind, hoping that luck, as well as his skills, are enough to keep Ominis safe, weeks later asked to rob a grave of a dark witch for a helm...please don't let him get hunted for this.

Chapter 11

Courting and grave robbing

In the early morning hours that day, the nurse forces Ominis out of the hospital wing so he can be ready for the class hours ahead, the only way that he finally goes willingly is when Charles makes him a promise while also reminding him of the surprise he had planned later. Taking Ominis's hand that didn't hold the wand that was his guide into his own, raised it to his lips and kissed the back of his hand before raising his head to place a sweet and tender kiss upon Ominis lips.

It was the type of sweet kiss that made you crave more... though Charles pulled away and whispered sweetly against Ominis's tender lips "I will see you Gra." Ominis blinked that was Gaelic...Charles called him love in Gaelic! "Don't forget where to meet me for lunch Omi." And with that, the nurse pushed a stunned and stuck-in-awe Ominis out of the hospital wing, a few hours later Charles was released from the nurse's clutches.

Charles used the floo network to get to the kitchen first, he needed to find Finnky and that other kind elf who had packed him that supper before he went to find the missing pages. When he saw them, Charles kindly asked for their help, to which they were more than happy to help him. After thanking them, he instructed them to have it ready on the lush patch of grass next to the stag statue near the roof gazebo of the Hufflepuff house.

Charles used the floo network again to get to the Gryffindor Tower to grab his bathroom things and his decorous blazer school uniform set he headed off to the bathroom after he made a note of what he needed to buy more of before he raced down to the Great Hall for breakfast, and hopefully be there just as his blind snake arrived.

With luck, he made it just as the three snakey trio arrived, he quickly rushed up behind Ominis and lifted him in the air! Ominis screamed in surprise, but before he started attacking his assaulter Charles's laughter filled his ears making him relax, blush (and he will deny it later) pout at being scared in such a manner. "Oh hilarious, now put me down Charles."

Charles still chuckling puts Ominis down on his feet, but doesn't let go as he rests his head on Ominis's shoulder talking at an angle that his breath would be brushing against Ominis's sensitive ears. "Please forgive me, Mon Beau." Charles let him go and followed them into the Great Hall and took his regular seat next to Ominis. Anne looked at Charles as they started selecting their food " What was that you said to Ominis? Was it French?"

Charles smiled at Anne "I may have been learning other lagunes in my free time, never know when they will come in handy." All three looked impressed Sebastian took a bite of toast with jam on it before he talked "What all have you lea-" "Sebastian don't talk with food in your mouth." Both Ominis and Charles spoke at the same time, making them blush as Anne fawned over them "Aaaawww you two scolded him at the same time! It looks like we got ourselves, new mum and dad Sebastian."

Charles looked the other way while drinking his pumpkin juice while Ominis shoved porridge into his mouth, he almost choked when he felt Charles left hand start rubbing and caressing his inner and upper thigh, brushing against his groin area before Ominis could grab his hand Charles pulled his hand back to his own lap acting like nothing happened.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at his 'two adopted parents' and swallowed his food "There happy now Mum and Dad." Both boys rolled their eyes but kept eating "Yes, now I believe you were going to ask me how many, not what all I have learned, and only a few. I feel that I am fluent enough in Gaelic (Irish), and French, but am still learning Italian, Russian, German, Latin, Japanese, and Romanian."

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