Chapter 12 part 1

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Chapter 12 Part 1

Tiptoeing third base and dinner at Feldcroft

A few weeks passed every day Charles or Ominis would push or pull the other off into an empty classroom, lips always finding each other the moment they are alone. They would press one or the other against a wall or a desk, and almost every time the kisses started off soft and slow pushing it further.

The first time Ominis marked Charles's neck in return for when he had done it to him, was the same day they were almost late to Charms Potions class with Charles proudly sporting his hickeys as he had just won the first place prize with a blushing, but still smug looking Ominis.

Charles was such an amazing boyfriend to Ominins that everyone was jealous. Not only did he shower him with gifts, and sweet kisses. Walking him to classes while carrying both their books, taking him on little dates out around the school grounds, or simply working on school work together in the library...while feeling each other up and quick makeouts before pulling apart before students, portraits, or the librarian caught them.

When anyone would want to find Ominis you would only need to look for one of the Sallow twins and Charles or find Charles, though it was better luck with looking for one of the twins; Charles would always be busy between saving beasts, extra school work the teachers would place on him to try and help him catch up to the rest of the fifth-years, fighting off giant spiders from taking over small hamlets or taking out trolls that were threatening the safety and peace of a different hamlet.

People would even be whispering that he fought goblins loyalists that were terrorizing a hamlet, while he was only there to find some old school letters for a certain pub owner in Hogsmeade; only to go back to that same hamlet a few days later to local shop owners missing brother only to bring her the bad news that he had been turned into an Inferi with the remains of a hand-knitted sweater as proof for her.

Or Charles would be chasing daedalian keys around Hogwarts even to be spotted briefly prowling around the halls and building both in and out of Hogwarts only to be spotted later with a moonstone in hand. So it was better to send an owl if you really need to talk to him if he wasn't already helping a fellow student with something or spending time with his friend, but it was more likely that he would be found by Ominis it was said before Charles was an amazing boyfriend even being so busy he would put things off just to spend time with Ominis.

One late afternoon Charles returns to Hogwarts after beating another one on Imelda's records and stopping back in Hogsmeade to report to Mr.Weeks of the new record he had set along with notes on what could be used to improve for the next upgrade. Charles had stopped by the Three Broomsticks to pick up some butterbeers when a young woman not long out of Hogwarts approached him whose name was Clementine Willardsey and asked if he would follow some butterflies that she would always see around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and find out where they lead to, which he did and returned to her informing her that they lead him to a chest with a reward inside.

She thanked him before leaving with him following out heading to Honeydukes for treats for him and Ominis to share during their study date later that evening when he felt the pressure start in his head making him hope it was a normal headache for once, now that he was back in the castle the pain was slowly starting to get worse.

He tried ignoring it a little longer as he walked down another set of stairs making his way over to the DADA hall floor close to the Undercroft, he passed his wand over him with a cleaning charm and freshened up one over his russet motley garb along with his rugged overcoat when he spots Ominis, Sebastian and Anne looking as if they had been looking for something or someone.

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