Chapter 9 Flying class, new broom, and secrets exposed

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Chapter 9

Flying class, new broom, and secrets exposed

The next day everyone was whispering about what they had witnessed the other day, the same girls were released from the hospital wing after being treated for scratch and peck marks. They made sure to keep a wide birth from Ominis when Charles was nowhere nearby knowing if they said or did anything to him or any of Charles's other friends, word would get back to the powerful wizard.

Omins sat a little closer to Charles making his fingers brush against his when he leaned forwards to grab something making Charles freeze and blush, till Ominis moved his hand acting like nothing happened. This kept happening through breakfast sometimes it would be Ominis grabbing his leg and acting like someone making an unexpected noise startled him, almost making Charles choke "Ominis..." Charles gently warned.

Shacking his head Charles got up "I best be off, having my first flying class! After I get the hang of it and buy my own how about all four of us, Ominis can ride with one of us so you don't feel left out." There he goes again being ignorantly sweet in keeping him included.

Ominis smirked at the thought of clutching himself to Charles's back or even sitting in front of him as they flew so close to each other when Sebastian broke through his daydream "I was thinking you think we could show him....*whispers* you know where?"

Ominis hadn't thought that Charles is the boy who saved his two best friends as well as Ominis's own growing feelings for him, and he already trusted him even if he is trying to keep them at a distance. He is trying so hard on keeping them safe from Crawford, then he has more than earned the right to join in the knowledge of such a place.

"It would be a perfect place for him to practice some of the spells he has been learning about from those think of the ones we could teach him!" Anne said excitedly, Ominis got up along with the twins making it to their first class without Charles "I think you both are about tonight?" Ominis proposed smirking as they tried to high-five each other with whispers of "Yes!" without Ominis overhearing them.

"I'll owl him after class." Sebastian volunteered before Sebastian left for his class, while Anne and Ominis went to theirs. After Charles and Everret got in trouble with the detour while flying...but Charles had impressed her with his natural flying abilities; even Everett thought he was part hippogriff. Charles was on his way to his last class for the day after he planned to go to J. Pippins for more potion recipes and two potions that Professor Sharp wanted him to use at the same time and write the effect and how observes what they did to him, then hand in the report by next potions class.

Charles was about to open the door to Ancient Runes when an owl dropped a letter in his hands, it was from Sebastian asking him to meet him to meet him outside the DADA classroom that he knew of a place near there where Charles could practice some illicit spells. Charles swallowed this was the part where Sebastian lets him find out about the 'Undercroft' as much as he didn't want to be yelled at by Ominis....he still found it so hot when he turned Dominis.

Charles sighed and put the letter away in his bag before heading into the classroom, Charles tried to keep his mind on the class but it often kept slipping to later that evening. Well, he was going to have to message Sebastian it would have to be later since he still had a few things to do before the evening came, after class, Charles went to Hogsmeade to pick up the recipes and potions Mr. Pippen asked him to make a delivery for him which he agreed.

Making his way down the street Charles noticed that Spinwithches Sporting and Needs was open, smirking Charles made his way in he couldn't wait to put that bitch Imelda in her place. Charles bought a Night Dancer Broom and also made a generous order for the school to surprise Professor Kakowa and Everret, and maybe two more for the Sallow twins.

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