7 | Swimming with the Sharks

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Tilly stared at her laptop screen with an overwhelming sense of dread, opening the email sent from an address new to her usual inbox: kendall@waystarroyco

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Tilly stared at her laptop screen with an overwhelming sense of dread, opening the email sent from an address new to her usual inbox: kendall@waystarroyco.com

Need you at a meeting offsite.
Be in the lobby at 4:30.
I'll have a driver take us.

It was 4:26 in the afternoon when she had read the email, Kendall only sending it at 4:21. They hadn't interacted since he left her that series of voice memos when he was in New Mexico. And now this. Was he about to fire her? Black mail her? Kill her?

She'd received a text from Roman the following day that simply said 'got him' but that was all she had heard about Kendall's well-being. She hadn't seen him around the building in the past three weeks but Tom had apparently shared a few meetings with him upstairs. That meant he was better right? If he was back at work then he mustn't have spiralled too far, right?

She chuckled to herself when she noticed that his email address had only his first name, compared to every other staff email which used both first and last names. Did he view himself on such a high pedestal that he only needed one name? Who did he think he was, Beyoncé? Shakira? Fucking McLovin?

He had never been one to type up long winded communications, he thought it was always best to get straight to the point. And despite having a minutiae of detail about where she was going, who she was speaking with and why her presence was required, Matilda knew that accompanying a meeting with Kendall Roy was important. Perhaps now more than ever. She quickly messaged Greg to cancel her original meeting with Tom for that time, apologising and telling him that Kendall had sent her a vague last minute request.

Kendall didn't say anything in the lobby beyond the 'hi, thanks for coming' he greeted her with until they got into the backseat of the car waiting out the front. It was was merely seconds after they sat down that she wanted to rapid fire questions at him regarding the myriad of thoughts in her brain, but she remained professional. "What's happening here? Because I work for Tom and I highly doubt this has anything to do with roller coasters..."

"You work for Tom, Tom works for me. I just need you on this deal with me, it's nothing," he said bluntly.

Before the door closed, Frank climbed in with them with an arthritic groan, smiling at the two of them as he apologised for the delay - apparently the elevator took a while.

"So, I'm looking at a partnership with an app called Dust. Some uh, real indie Banksy shit. And look, I don't want to pull the fucking ageism card here but Frank... You're not going to appeal to these alt-left hipsters looking like their fucking grandpa alright? Nobody's panties are going to get wet over you talking about financials. That's why Tilly is here, she's young, she helps my case," Kendall spoke, crossing one of his legs over the other.

"Is that why you're wearing those funky clown shoes? To make all the arty business people aroused?" She joked, looking down at his unlikely choice in shoes.

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