11 | The Fish Rots from the Head

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"Don't you think it's weird showering with one of Waystar's management team inside the same PJ as Dad?" Roman asked Kendall as he exited the plane bathroom with Matilda closely behind

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"Don't you think it's weird showering with one of Waystar's management team inside the same PJ as Dad?" Roman asked Kendall as he exited the plane bathroom with Matilda closely behind.

"Using less water bro, we're saving the environment," Kendall responded, holding back the cocky smile trying to creep onto his lips as he sat down on one of the leather couches.

"Kendall just needed my help in running through a few strategies he has planned for Argestes," Tilly said coyly.

The plane ride to Switzerland was fairly smooth for the group; for the most part everyone onboard the private jet slept overnight so they'd wake up refreshed for Argestes. It was an elite invite only event that happened in the Swiss Alps every year, an event Tilly would only ever read snippets about online. Business moguls from around the world would be invited to attend the week long conference to 'learn and grow' but everyone knew it was just a place for the richest men in the word to get their cocks out and do business with each other.

"Kendall!" They heard Logan shout from the other end of the plane, summoning his son for the millionth time this flight.

He stood from the lounge he had briefly just sat down on to walk down the narrow aisle towards the cabin his father was in. Turning towards Tilly, Roman cocked one of his eyebrows up in intrigue, "Strategy huh? Did he, strategise in your mouth? Bet you swallowed too, you fucking slut."

"You love talking about Kendall's penis don't you?" She snapped back, her face riddled with sarcasm.

"Nope. I just like to picture you sucking one," he said giving her a smug grin in return.

The plane had been circling in the sky for the better half of an hour due to the influx of other billionaires all trying to land their jets at the same time. Logan was growing more and more irritated by the minute, waiting on Nan Pierce to sign off on their deal and waiting to get off the aircraft. Soon enough the latter was granted, the various associates of Waystar Royco disembarking and taking several cars to the Argestes retreat.

"Fair warning, I'm thinking of no socking it, rocking some horny ankle cleavage," Roman said to his brother as he got out of the car, posing comically for the group of photographers pushing their way against security barricades.

"Ooh, scary... I'm so scared." Kendall rolled his eyes at his brother, taking his sunglasses off to thank one of the Argestes employees after she handed him a welcome booklet.

"Showing your ankles at a business retreat? Fucking hell Rome, you're an animal," Tilly mocked as she looked down at the conference information packet.

"I know, I know. If I showed any more skin all these old cucks would cream their fucking pants," He joked, not at all concerned with who could hear him.

Logan was quick to enter the retreat with his senior leadership team in tow; Gerri, Karl, Jamie, Frank and Hugo. His PR team had caught a whiff of an impending expose story that surrounded Waystar and he wanted to gather his people inside to discuss a solution. Kendall told Tilly that he would find her again later before catching up to his father inside, and since Roman didn't want to feel left out, he too followed suit.

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