18 | Choosing the Lesser of Two Evils

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"Well if it isn't the one and only Baby Libtard finally gracing us with her presence

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"Well if it isn't the one and only Baby Libtard finally gracing us with her presence. Good morning sunshine, did your hot yoga run late or were you having a quick cocaine breakfast?" Tom taunted, smiling sarcastically at Tilly as she approached him and Greg. To be fair, she did feel a little bit basic today wearing Lululemon activewear, a cap and over-ear headphones to breakfast. But 'breakfast' was grabbing coffee on the outskirts of Central Park so it wasn't at all out of place. She even made the journey uptown worth her while by squeezing in a jog rather than catching the subway to the northern end of the park.

She shot Tom a cynical glare, "Nice try but I don't do yoga and I don't do cocaine when the sun is up." Tilly then smiled widely as Greg lunged towards her for a hug. Hugging Greg always felt weird to her given he was so tall, but she liked that he was one of the only ones in the Roy family who hugged people. "And good morning to you too Mondale," she cooed in a baby voice, crouching down to give Tom's dog several vigorous head rubs.

"You look like Ken with a vagina," Tom commented, tugging on Mondale's leash as he excitedly jumped forward to put his front paws on Tilly's chest. She didn't mind of course, thought Tom didn't want her thinking he had such an unruly dog.

"It's the cap right?" She asked almost rhetorically, instantly having her assumption confirmed as Greg and Tom said in unison that it was indeed, the cap that made her look like Kendall.

The trio walked along the park with their freshly made barista coffees in hand, with Tom juggling his takeaway cup, Strawberry Kiwi vape and phone along with Mondale's leash. Tilly offered to take Mondale off his hands to help with the load, to which a relieved Tom thanked her. She missed having a dog. She hadn't had a canine companion since she lived in Washington with her parents, their beloved family dog Freddie having passed away when she was in college.

"How come you named your dog after the guy who lost to Reagan?"

"He wasn't just the guy who lost to Ronald Reagan, he was also successful senator. And he was Jimmy Carter's Vice president,"

"Yeah yeah yeah, the super progressive one hey?" She asked, her knowledge in politics being stronger than majority of people her age. Though she was still hazy when it came to politicians before her time. She was only born in '94 after all.

"Progressive. Pragmatic. Not afraid of cracking a joke... He treated republicans as friends rather than enemies, which meant he played the game better than anyone else in parliament. He worked with them, compromised with them and inevitably that allowed him to introduce laws that not only benefitted both parties, but the American people. A true people person. He's a bit of a role model for me I suppose... And y'know, he's also from Minnesota,"

"Twin cities represent," Greg chimed in, waving his hand as if he were throwing gang signs.

"You're from fucking Canada Greg, shut up. But Tom, correct me if I'm wrong... But wasn't Mondale a democrat?" Matilda cooed smugly.

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